Is this worth watching?

I enjoyed the original. I'm a big fan of chris rock, tracy morgan, and luke wilson. From the previews it looks like a shot for shot remake of the original only playing the race card. is it worth watching or is it essentially the same movie with different actors, or like most remakes, not as good as the original.


it's funnier than the original.

"We didn't cross the border. The border crossed us!"


Really? Well, I'm about to watch it, so I'll get back to yer.


I found it to be not even close to the quality or the comedy of the original. Remakes almost never are and I am almost always disappointed.


I'm really sorry to say, but...

In this days "Hollywood" comes in, quality goes out. Desperate for ideas due to constant failings which are consequences of producers/marketeers failure to even grasp the fact that it is freedom, authentacy and originality that people are craving more and more each day.

Among other reasons:

That is why Kubrik ran from the US.

That is why Woody Allen felt he had to be away from the US temporarily.

That is why Tarantino turned to Cannes.

And that is why Oz made the original in the UK (the movie's all "britcom")

So, not only is someone greedy trying to gain an extrabuck by ruining...cof...cof...I mean, remaking a movie, but these same greedy people are insulting so many others by stating so clearly that "their" audiences wouldn't understand the "britcom tone" of the original thus requiring an "adaptation".

Well, I prefer the original here just as I prefer "REC" over that disgusting "Hollywood adaptation"..

I'm tired of the same disgusting moves from extreme capitalism behaviour destroying art and freedom of knowledge in the name of money..



I can't even bring myself to watch this. The original is just so brilliant, and the previews for this seem just so bad. And there was no need for a remake.


I've seen this film and I didn't care for it at all and I liked the British version. It just wasn't the same as far as being funny goes, it basically mirrors the original, you knew exactly what to expect. I just couldn't watch all of it, it got boring.


Yeah, I think they thought they could make a funny American version, but they failed epically.



I Like it.


I watched both versions within a few months of each other, so I have both fairly fresh in my mind. The remake is almost verbatim to the original. They even use the same actor to play the gay lover who's blackmailing the family.
Although the original was not hysterically funny (it's english comedy after all), this American version with well-known black actors was even less funny. In both movies the fiance who is given the pill is the funniest part. The original is only 3 years old, so you really feel like you are just watching the same movie again, and personally was rather boring to me.


"Bran, i think you should become a trillionaire and oversee all Hollywood productions. If you cannot you useless $&@($^, shut the hell up."

Hmmm... Constructive...


Never seen the original, but personally thought this version was hilarious.


I liked it. I had some good laughs.
I haven't seen the original, but I look forward to watching it now.


I am a huge foreign film buff and loved the original. Just finished this remake and I liked it.
