No BW boycotts???

Oh, that's right, the useless IR trite involves a WM and a BW something bw (and white people) don't have a problem with and actually enjoy, but if it was a BM and a WW (she doesn't even have to be white), then the black women flood would come on here b*tching and whining about all the same old regurgitated bs that has been spewed across the internet for years.

Do you see bm complaining?? No. In this "black" movie, it's another attempt to get good-looking bw to date out, by letting the prettyboy charmer be played by a wm. You will NEVER see a white oriented movie where the hot white daughter brings home a black man, where he makes all the witty lines and outclasses her white brothers. WHite America would not tolerate it. Then they are the one who scream that black people are racist. Knowing damn well a bm in a middle-class white family would not be treated the same like a wm at a black family. But it's all good for a wm to be at a black get-together. But let a WW or non-black women be there and all hell would break loose. BW know what I'm talking about, so don't even play that game with me. There are plenty of examples of this. But a lot of people don't see that. Or just don't care.

Their will be NO mainstream movies that will have a ww or bm main character who will get with and live happily ever after with a bm or ww or any other non black woman. But Hollywood has no problem putting a bw with a wm or nonblack male interest in that movie because:
1. Black men don't care. We won't send death threats, network amongst bloggers, magazines, forums, newspapers demanding the movie/actors to be boycotted or try to demonized bm/ww/nonblk women relations (even though we should, but black men just don't care how disrespectful bw act around their non blck bf's.

2. Black women don't care. She will be happy seeing a bw with a nonblack man because it strokes her ego. And those "afrocentric", black men only women will not fight against the wm. NEVER.

3. White men don't care because bw doesn't threatened their status quo when she's with a wm. WM fantasized in being with bw anyways, so this is a wm's fantasy to see bw paired with wm. It was ok when Spock hooked up with Uhura (star trek), but it wasn't cool when Wayan's character was kissed by the redhead in GI joe.

We blacks can tolerate anything the wm can throw at us just as long we can laugh and be entertained.



rainman55544, I am assuming your anger is being directed to the fact that James Marsden, a white man, is the " prettyboy charmer." I don't remember Marsden having "all the witty lines" or "outclassing" anyone. But who did the casting? Wasn't Chris Rock one of the producers? He said he hired his own "boss," the director. Doesn't he also have the job of casting the actors? I've been thinking about the objection you have of a black woman dating a white man.

Also, that white man makes a complete fool of himself in front of a group of strangers, even to taking his clothes off and parading around naked on a roof for everyone to see. Before he does that, he scandalizes everyone by knocking over the casket, and the deceased father rolls out. No one laughs; everyone is angry and embarrassed, and everyone wonders why this fool is there. I just don't see how it could be otherwise played. In the past, black men have been made to play foolish characters, and it was demeaning and insulting, and our memories are too long and too painful to see that done again.

The other point I have is that it was a remake. Some American didn't write this; it was first done by the British (and I believe the screenwriter is also British), and Rock himself was the one who got this remake under way.

There is something else I noticed, and no one has ever mentioned it, and I do so here. If you remember, at no time do Zoe Saldana and James Marsden ever kiss each other. I had wondered about that; maybe it's because that would be just too much for people's sensibilities.

