Amazing Grace

James Marsden never made me laugh like this before.Him singing amazing grace was probably one of funniest things I've seen in a while in fact..I don't particularly like him, but that was HIS scene.

'I HATE Illinois Nazis.'


i must admit, i felt the same way. i actually haven't enjoyed him in much but when he went into the singing bit i couldn't stop laughing! good for him, though, and now i will not negatively prejudge a movie or his part in it before watching.


He was hilarious in almost every scene he was in--it couldn't have been easy to act that out of your mind take after take, day after day. He was like that the whole movie so whenever he shot scenes, however many takes, he had to match that level of "high out of your mind". I also laughed out loud when he's stare at the wife for a second and then just starts singing.

The first one now will later be last, for the times they are a'changin'...


The amazing grace solo was fucign brilliant

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


I really wanted him to keep on singing a little longer! But Tudyk also got intrigued with the feathers on the widow's hat, and I guess James had to do that, too, but still, couldn't he have sung just a little, little longer?
