MovieChat Forums > Death at a Funeral (2010) Discussion > Was AWFUL!!! Especially the acting.

Was AWFUL!!! Especially the acting.

Oh my God... with the exception of James Marsden and Danny Glover, who saved it, it was one of the worst remakes I have ever seen. The original is brilliant, so clever and witty - the acting is perfect. This one was terrible! The acting was so over done and cheesy. When you compare the lines that the actors deliver - for example Matthew Macfayden is so natural and believable - Chris Rock just sounds like a bad actor. They should never have been allowed to destroy it! You cant always take British humor and Americanize it, it just doesnt work.


Everyone has their own opinion of a film. This one received great reviews from most critics. The movie critic from my hometown newspaper (The Miami Herald) gave it an excellent review, and he has been a well known critic for over twenty years. Roger Ebert, of the Chicago Sun Times, thought the movie was even better than the original and he praised the entire cast. He thought the acting was exceptional by everyone involved and thought that this film was one of the best remakes he had seen in his career, even better than the original. I liked the original film just a little bit more because if was the first time I saw it and didn't know what was coming, but I rated this remake an "8" --- I also thought it was an excellent remake with great acting all around.


This movie is pure drek-titude! I haven't seen the original, but anything has to be better than this! Embarrassing. Stupid. Vulgar. Usually three things I love in a movie. But Death at a Funeral stank up the room. In a word: DOA.

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