Cgi movie instead

Is it just me or would anyone else rather see a CGI star wars old republic movie instead of actually getting the game. The trailer looked really cool and I was thinking ti myself how i would much rather see a 2 hour movie and enjoy myself while saving 40 hours playing a game


Yepp, but I would rather have a real movie, not CGI Clone Wars style


Well as long as the real movie isn't by G.Lucas, methinks the old man has lost his touch.
IMO the best things created in the Star Wars universe has mainly been developed by Bioware.


you're more or less right, KOTOR 1 was nice, but kotor 2 even being unfinished was even much much more better.


I guess your not a gamer lol?


I would love to see this as a CGI movie if Blur studios did the whole thing [like in the trailer] and it got a HARD "R" rating for sex and violence...something totally un-Star Wars like...that would be totally sweet! Better than anything we have gotten in the last 15 years or so!

"Like German tourists…the stupid are everywhere!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer, Red Dwarf


I agree. It looks like it`s going to be amazing.


its probably going to be more like 1600 hours of gameplay at least, there are 8 classes total with about 200 hours of gameplay each. a two hour movie with sequels that deal with each class would be sweet!


I saw the trailer and thought it was a movie lol


Yeah, me too! This looks much much better than Clone Wars! I am all up for an animation movie that looks like this.



The game is gonna be significantly more than 40 hours haha

But why not have our cake and eat it too? I'm a gamer so I'm always excited for Star Wars games (provided they look good of course)

But I was actually commenting to my friend how I'd be happy if they made some more Star Wars movies and did them with Beowulf style CGI or the way it's done in the trailers for this game.
I prefer live action, but I wouldn't be opposed to this.

Especially if they were to make the Thrawn Trilogy or Shadows of the Empire. Which requires the original cast, but seeing as how they're all in their 50's and 60's now...they might as well be CGI'd lol

End of line.
