
(Looks up at the sky) WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?!?!!? What is wrong with you, LucasArts? Are you taking pleasure out of destroying the best Star Wars game series ever?!!? And Bioware! You're just as much to blame! You're perfectly capable of making an amazing KOTOR 3, yet you do this to us? POR QUUUUUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeee?!!?!?

We must do everything we can can to stop these terrorist killers. Now, watch this drive.


I was a huge fan of the first two.....and to be honest, i cant wait for this to come out! Think of it like KOTOR 3.....but without an end. I cant think of anything better. Im defo getting it! Dont judge before you can try it, i think it will be top.

"Stand your Ground and FIGHT!"


Think of it like KOTOR 3.....but without an end.

A story without an end is a pointless story. I'm not saying that in the scheme of MMOs this will be a bad game, but the MMO genre has limitations. Plenty of MMOs in the past have promised to break the stereotype (bland, grind-based gameplay) and none have achieved it. Bioware are one of the best game studios out there, so if anyone can do it, it's them, but I won't believe it till I see it.

To be honest, this is a money-making exercise, and nothing more. Not to mention a complete dereliction of the KOTOR fanbase.

I put writing my 'To-do' list near the bottom.



Technically the story does have an end. It ends when the second Death Star is destroyed and Luke Skywalker redeems his father.


you mean they are making it better... you judge WAY to early... have faith in Bioware...

nWo 4-Life! Halloween Rules!(The Holiday)


They are taking one of the greatest RPGs - and in my opinion one of the greatest single player gameplay experiences - ever, removing the you-are-the-centre-of-the-universe story element... aaaaaand somehow they are making it better?

Soooo... no. They clearly are not making it better, are they?

Go to the loo, 'cause all the *beep*'s coming out your mouth instead of your a-hole...


They have not removed the You-Are-The-Center experience. The game is designed so that no matter which character you choose, YOU are the focus of your game. At no point during the recent beta did I feel like I was just some bit part. I was running my own storyline, and of course there were others around but they were complementary characters.

Somebody brought a monkey, because the monkey knocked over the salad bar...


I agree with Moser88. Big disappointment.


Your face is scrunched up like a Kinrath pup.

I'm always right.


This is like Kotor except more content and it's online. It's not a typical MMO, you still have a story, moral choices and dialogue.


So instead of Kotor 3 you get Kotor 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 etc.

And you complain? :D

Only thing there is to complain about is that it isn't released yet ;)


I too was disappointed when I heard they were doing a KOTOR MMO, but I've been watching the production closely and it looks like it's going to be AWESOME! Finally an MMORPG that's actually an RPG. The reason I quit playing World of Warcraft is because in the end, even though it was great, the only way you can really progress is raiding. That doesn't seem to be as big of a problem here. (though there still will be raiding, but it's not all the end game is)
Have faith in Bioware! They're a good company that really cares about producing a good RPG!

Children of IMDB enjoy thinking they have a clue as to how American politics work.


Indeed - I'm also really looking forward to seeing an MMO put the RPG back in the title.


Y'know, the developers have recently said that this is basically KOTOR 3. It is very strongly story driven from what I've heard so far - not surprising given the rich material found in the extended star wars universe. I'm guessing there will be certain missions dealing with Revan/Malak/Kreia's legacy. Have faith!

"Rommel, you magnificent bastard...I READ YOUR BOOK!" -Patton


Actually, they've called it Kotor 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 +

.. which only makes me even more excited about the game :P


What's the problem?
