the music...

You know what? If they scrapped the "score" - a single Sanyo keyboard being stretched to its synthesized limits by a second-year music student - and replaced it with something half-decent, it would greatly impove those parts of this movie that are watchable (few, but there are some).


True, but then it wouldn't be Canadian...


I don't know which score you have heard, but the German DVD version has a professional orchestral score, obviously not even sampled but maybe played by one of the cheap Orchestras in Eastern Europe (which are quite good). If the movie would have had only roughly the score's quality, It would have been a decent movie. So, if anyone can identify the Sanyo Keyboard which is capable of such a sound, please tell me which model it is and I will immediately order it. But if I have to buy the Vienna Symphonic Library, I must admit that's too expensive for me.


pontram, I'm not sure what you were smoking when you watched this movie, but the score I heard is laughably bad. Gotta agree with the OP on this one.
