MovieChat Forums > Merlin and the Book of Beasts (2009) Discussion > Avlynn (the woman) ruins this movie

Avlynn (the woman) ruins this movie

I actually enjoyed this film much more than some did. I enjoyed some of the look of it, the grittiness, the darkness. I very much liked the irascibility of Merlin.

What ruined it for me was one element -- Avlynn, the "daughter of Arthur." Truly the most disagreeable female character I've ever encountered. She was obviously supposed to be some sort of feminist heroine, but just came off as bitchy and mean. Worse, she was way too old to be remotely attractive (even with that fake-looking wig). And the idea of some scrawny 40-year-old woman in the Early Middle Ages punching knights and fighting with swords? Laughable.

So all in all, a reasonably good film that was ruined by feminist nonsense.


I mostly disagree. While I agree there is an overabundance of "feminist nonsense" in films in general, I don't think it was a huge problem here. Rather, the script and pacing are the real problems with this film. Overall, I felt the acting was fairly good across the board in this film - given what they had to work with. And I happen to think this actress is rather attractive (and only 35...not into her 40s yet, so not sure what you mean there). Overall, this film has the feel of a low budget ScyFy movie...which is exactly what it is. I've seen much worse on the channel...and much better. It's mostly sad to me that quality actors like in this film can't get better projects to work on.


She was a total Eowyn knock-off, from the wig to the armor.
