Warning: Do NOT watch!

I certainly have seen my fair share of crappy movies made about Merlin and the whole Arthurian Legend, but this one certainly was one of the worst.
Probably the best thing one could say about this movie is that one can tell that they must have spend hundreds of dollars on the special effects, but that is about it.
The costumes were probably borrowed from local "Renaissance Fair" LARPers and looked beyond embarassing, apart from the fact, that Arthur is supposed to have lived around 500 A.D. (but usually no director ever bothers with this little detail) and they had some semi-baroque costumes mixed with stuff trying to look like it was from the 13th century and some presumed relics from the first D&D Movie. Made my eyes hurt.
The acting was mostly nonexistant, the script unbelievably bad and I simply refuse to believe, that James Callis, whom I admired as Gaius Baltar, could not do a better job than this (and he was by far the best actor this movie had, mind you!).
Even with my best effort, I cannot bring myself to give this one more than two measly points and warn everybody not to waste about ninety perfectly good minutes of your life which would be so much better spent reading a good book or even visiting your dentist!


http://shareddarkness.com/2009/08/24/merlin-and-the-book-of-beasts-dvd .aspx

^ Yeah, doesn't sound great, per this review...


^ LOL already read the review, and I have to agree with what it says, as I think the film wasn't good either.

Stop Pollution!


When will I ever learn to come here first lol - I admit, I wanted to watch Laura Harris. But in something she wouldn't be the sex object. C'est le cinema de vagaries...


When will we learn to just watch Excalibur again.
