Saw this one in theaters

I was 21 then, now 25. It was pretty cool experience, but I must say, I enjoyed even more Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in theaters in 2001, when I was 12.


I saw this movie now, at age 29. I must say, I was quite impressed, but only looking back in hindsight.

Becca: Japanese won't stop till they create the ultimate sex machine
Sara: We have to stop them


I too seen Expendables in theaters as well. First R rated movie I saw in a theater (I was either 14 or 15)


I saw it I was 18 now I am 23. God I hate time.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


Me too. I was 13, and it was the first R-rated film I had ever seen in theaters (thanks for taking me, Mom!). I was extremely excited for it and followed it for years, and so my mom thought it'd be cool to take me to see it on opening day. I *beep* loved it and thought it was the most awesome film ever at the time. I watched it again with my girlfriend's father in I think April, and as a 19-year-old, I didn't think it was that good. The direction really put me off, and I hated the boring generic action story. If I were Stallone, I would've done something much more interesting with an ensemble cast like this.
