MovieChat Forums > The Last Exorcism (2010) Discussion > Tired of the same ol' exorcism stories? ...

Tired of the same ol' exorcism stories? We now need the man himself

We all like exorcism films, clearly. But they're starting to rot in cliche.

But lemme ask you this

Who was the original exorcist, the one to first cast out the demons from a person's body?

Who was the one with the true power to harness god's wrath to sunder that demon from that body?

And I said WHO can be the star of a next exorcism film, as a loin-clothed, muscle-bound, holy-watering hunk?

Lemme hear you say Jeeeeeesus


Jesus films are staring to "rot in cliche" too


What, even Jesus starring as a muscle-bound exorcist?


He would certainly kick some lucifer lovin' ass!


I haven't seen a horror film do that since Jesus Himself came to put and end to Damien in Omen III. I'm sure it's probably happened in more movies than just that one but if so I haven't seen them. They do need to make an exorcism film where that happens.


Cool! I didn't know about Jesus in the Omen 3. Amazing! For a new film he'd need to be a muscle-bound, machine gun-wielding hero though, like Arnie in Predator.


I don't think Jesus would need a machine gun being that he's the son of God. He's already a badass.

You killed my babysitter!


But he's the prince of peace who can only do a few magic tricks. We now need him armed to the teeth to keep up with audiences today. Maybe Michael bay directing..?


> Who was the original exorcist, the one to first cast out the demons from a person's body?

And you do realize that the story of Jesus casting out demons has the exact same amount of truth as this movie, right? Both are stories made up to impress the masses and bring in the money.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


Nonsense! Jesus was there on hand and knee casting those bad boys out! I imagine it like harry potter. Except real of course
