Jamie King's Story

I am writing this merely because I am curious to see how many people out there know about this...

I have suffered from sleep paralysis for many years. The first time it happened it was quite scary. You wake up and you are completely aware of everything around you. But your body is paralyzed all over. I have never been able to open my eyes when it happens, but some people can. And those who do, often hallucinate. It is often to blame for people thinking they have ghost encounters or are kidnapped by aliens.

It happens to me on a yearly basis and supposedly effects 1 out of every 10 people within some point in their lives.

Nearly all the stories from people on this show, where they wake up and they can't move, they are "glued" to the bed, something is hovering over them, they are cold, and/or they are being strangled... sound EXACTLY like sleep paralysis.

Does anyone else suffer from this? Or has anyone else suspected this when watching the show? Not to say that all these stories are fake, but the ones that sound like sleep paralysis really make the other stories sound non-credible to me.

Jamie King's experience was most definitely sleep paralysis in my mind. She described it perfectly.




Happened to me a couple months ago.
I was able to open my eyes and I saw a figure at the end of my bed.
It looked almost skeletal and demonic, it was motioning for me to come towards it.
I tried to yell but of course, couldn't open my mouth.
Eventually, I went back to sleep.
Later that day, I looked it up and saw that it was sleep paralysis.

Wait a minute! I smell liquor on my breath: You're drunk!


It happened to me quite often and once someone told me what it was, the sleep paralysis time would get shorter. I think it is very interesting that most people with sleep paralysis would see demons and then in the 1950s and 60s started to see aliens.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.


I've had this happen to me on numerous occasions. The first time it happened, I was totally convinced I had been attacked by an intruder with a horrible, deep, menacing voice, and I could feel myself being pushed hard into my bed. I thought I was going to smother. It happened every so often after that..never before in my life, until I was about 56. My question is..why does it only happen when you 'see' demons? I've had nightmares before, and they never end in sleep paralysis..why the demons?? And I never dreamed about demons in a regular dream..but have dreamed about various 'monsters'..but they were dreams, and I knew it.
Now here's the part where no one can explain this to me at all...My husband and I never told anyone about these episodes..especially our son. We didn't want to scare him, influence him, or have him worry that his mother was crazy! Well, one night, I was in his room, and we were talking about dreams..and he told me that a few months earlier. he had some terrifying experiences..he said one time he woke up and found himself naked in the middle of his floor, leaning against a cabinet, unable to move. (he wears shorts or pajama pants to bed..he's never naked) He said he also saw shadows rolling like waves above his bed while unable to move. One time, he saw a huge black figure float into his room, with hair like branches, and glowing eyes. He had quite a few stories..and when I asked him when it started, it turned out to be the exact same time MY incidents started to happen. He was 17 when it started.
And that's how it goes..it stopped for both of us for about a year (I had removed some recently acquired old books from the apartment, and bought a talisman on the advice of a friend who had experience with such matters. I was skeptical, but figured..what could it hurt?
Then, a few weeks ago, I fell asleep, and suddenly felt myself roll over on to my husband. We both started to sink into the bed, and he started screaming that I was crushing him, and he couldn't breathe! I was terrified, and screaming, too. I couldn't pull myself off him, because we were sinking..suddenly, there were all sorts of colors and lights swirling around..orange and green..like an Aurora Borealis ..then there was lightning and thunder crashes. I felt someone grab me by the shoulders, and lift me off, and away from my husband. It turned out to BE my husband..he heard me moaning in the way that I do when I can't make myself be heard in these episodes. Needless to say, we weren't sinking into the bed, and neither of us was screaming. I got hysterical, because I was never so scared in my life! I told him all about what had just happened.
Later the next night, my son came home from work late..he's 20 now, and in college. He was walking down the hallway toward his room.He stopped midway, and came back to the living room. He said.."Oh..check THIS out..I forgot to tell you..last night, one of those strange things happened to me again! I was dreaming I was in the side yard, and lots of the family was there, too. Suddenly, it started to get very dark and foreboding. I got really scared. Then, we were all sitting on a double decker bus, and the top blew off, and something horrible was happening..we were all screaming, and all these colors started swirling around..greens and oranges..and there were big crashes of thunder, and lightning! When I came out of it, I was TERRIFIED!!"
Now, I had called my husband in to the room just as he started to tell his story, because I just KNEW it was going to coincide with mine..so this way he could see and hear first hand how my son and I have the same type of experiences at the exact same time..and neither one of us is aware of the other one going through it simultaneously. That's what scares me. How can they be just 'dreams' when this is happening to us both?!
..and by the way, no..there was no storm outside that night..no thunder, no lightning..just in our 'dreams'. :(


Please don't be offended by these questions, but what is your relationship with God - do you have faith in your life? Do you pray before you go to bed?

Have you ever done an experiment where you called out to Jesus, or told it to "stop" in the name of Jesus?

There could be a spiritual root cause to this.

Under Folklore on the Wikipedia page, it says:

"In Turkey sleep paralysis is called karabasan, and is similar to other stories of demonic visitation during sleep. A demon, commonly known as a djinn (cin in Turkish), comes to the victim's room, holds him or her down hard enough not to allow any kind of movement, and starts to strangle the person. To get rid of the demonic creature, one needs to pray to Allah with certain lines from the Qur'an."

Same concept, but there IS power in the name of Jesus. Also, is there anything in your life that could bring demonic harassment to you? Say the Lord's prayer everyday - if you're willing to take a spiritual approach.

This doesn't make the other stories seem non-credible - this makes the producers of the show seem quite intelligent for classifying it under ghost stories.

Tabby S.




