Loretta Lynn...

god what an attention whore... we get an hour of just her???? snore... change channel.

Oh Thank you God! Thank you so BLOODY much!Basil Fawlty


I thought this was one of the best episodes.

Roland, that's a lilac bush!


me, too. i thought this one was quite good, very compelling. i'd like to see them do another one like this for sally struthers. her story is very well-worthy of one.


I believe the Ghost Adventures guys did a segment (1/2 hour) on her house.


Ghost Adventures did an investigation at her house too. The stories Loretta and her family told her were very creepy. Like hearing someone with boots walking along her porch at night and even seeing a shadow walk by, but nobody was there. Or waking up to someone standing over your bed trying to pull your shoes off.

What a day! What a lovely day!
