Season 13 Episode 8

I'm laughing so hard because Zak keeps saying "We summons you" instead of "We summon you"

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Zak also said the following three times in the same show that night: "IT'S AS IF THE ..." That seems to be one of his favorite sayings because he says it at least once during every episode, but this particular one he said it three times - and you can't help notice it when he says it because he says each word all slow and dramatic.
And speaking of ZAKISM's, they reran the Chinese Locke episode last week and I busted out laughing so hard that all of a sudden I scared my Doberman Pinscher who was sound asleep on the couch next to me. Here is what Zak said when he was sitting down to eat dinner with the G.A. Crew and the owner of the Chinese restaurant in the town they were investigating: "BEING SCALDED BY THAT POT STICKER HAS REALLY JOLTED MY MIND TO THE TASK AT HAND." (Classic Zak: "IT'S AS IF THE POT STICKER HAS A WAY OF MAKING ME TALK IN ABSURD UNDERTONES." All work and no pot stickers make Zak a dull boy!!
