Starting to seem fake

Seriously? Two crystal clear class A+ (to the point of sounding very fake) EVPs when Jay was down in the water and the other one Billy heard with the nursery rhyme, might be the best EVPs they've ever gotten, Zak glosses over them but freaks out over the distorted, low quality "I see you" on his recorder. Not to mention the blue glow/figures that are conveniently not caught on camera. I think the Travel Channel may be making them forge evidence in locations where they don't get any and that is why Zak doesn't spend too much time talking about the fake stuff they have to put in.


It's a shame really. Now we just can't trust anything they catch.

CG gore is the worst thing that has ever happened to the horror genre.


It's felt fake for the last 3 or 4 seasons now but in retrospect even going back to the early days it still seemed fake at times.

Why do all the EVP's sound similar? Why do they all speak in modern English? Why no accents? Why is "Get Out" such a popular phrase? Why is all the best "evidence" always happening when the camera goes dead or someone is so terrified they are running away? It just goes on.

Sometimes a movie or tv show plot is so stupid that only the stupid can understand it.


Exactly. The whispering child voices in the tunnel, if real, would be great evidence! That and if he actually heard that down in the tunnel he would have turned around, running out of there!


Gotta agree.
When they just didn't even mention the tunnel evidence my thoughts were pretty much confirmed that it must be fake then.


Frankly i never watched this show for the "evidence" they got. I just watched this just to see them freak out. But they don't do that as much as they use too.


They never get real evidence. In 13 seasons nothing that proves anything has been captured. They are emotional drama queens hamming it up for effect. The only one who doesn't flip their *beep* like a little girl when they hear something is Jay. They literally never get anything worth a damn. The fact anyone believes any of these shows is ridiculous.


And at least every other episode they wrap up the show with a comment claiming in some way that they had some undeniable "proof" of the paranormal. They have not once had such proof for if they did it would've been the lead story all the major news channels.

He's taking the knife out of the Cheese!
Do you think he wants some cheese?


The episode that really got me was the Baumeister farm, at the end of that episode they are standing outside and they some form of evidence (EVP from memory) directs them to a tree where more bodies are supposedly buried. They walk 4 steps and that is it, bodies supposedly found. No follow up, nothing.

Sometimes a movie or tv show plot is so stupid that only the stupid can understand it.


I was wondering the samething, they don't even attempt to tell us what they think the voices said in the tunnel or at the pool, even thought I can clearly hear what they both say. The one in the tunnel says be careful, and the one at the pool the singing it says "Mommy Loves me" What ya think?
