Worth Seeing?

I'm going to see this with a friend tonight as she wants to see it. Is it worth it or is it a waste of money? From the reviews i've read it's not very good, I just wanted someone else opinion on it that wasn't a movie critic.

Kill him he's not our man- Barbossa POTC3 At Worlds End!


It's intermitently amusing, but certain elements (the Carrie spoof, for instance) are a mite laboured.

ps. I am a film critic, so please feel free to ignore me.


I really enjoyed it, found it highly amusing and different. It's good to watch if you're studying media because the stereotypes are meant to be there and are exaggerated.

P.s. You become a film critic as soon as you make an opinion on a film.

I like being weird. Weird is all I've got. That and my sweet style.


I would say avoid - sort of film you wouldn't mind catching on tv, but would begrudge paying money to see! Here's my review: http://iheartthetalkies.wordpress.com/2010/05/01/film-review-its-a-won derful-afterlife/



i think it was quite good


Here's my review: http://iheartthetalkie.wordpress.com/2010/05/01/film-review-its-a-won derful-afterlife/

Don't give up your day job.


I went to see it last week with my friends, half of them liked it the other half didnt! I personally enjoyed watching it (mainly because I admit I do have a crush on Sendhil Ramamurthy - he was very charming and looked great, a great male lead in a romantic film).

It had some funny moments, and it was good entertainment. There were definately some scenes that made you laugh out loud; but there was this one guy in the audience that laughed abit too long, I think he might have smoked something before the movie (lol joking - sort of).

I agree with SteveGreen - I didn't like the carrie spoof either, but I can appreciate why the director did it, but it went on for abit too long.

I liked it, it's a simple, popcorn fun movie.
