Why high expectations ?

I didn't see the movie , but I read some comments and discussions here, and a lot of them come to same point: why would a director of "Bend It Like Beckham" make movie like this?
I am an artist of a different kind. I make jewelry, and some of my jewelry is very complicated, profound and can fit into any formal occasion ( said by others ), but I don't make that kind of jewelry all the time . Sometimes I just play with new materials and make cheap everyday things. When I go to fairs and present both kinds of jewelry on the same stand i NEVER hear comments like "If you made this beautiful expensive silver pendant, why do you make this "few bucks" stuff too ?".
Why filmmakers don't have the same kind of freedom like I have? Why after making a great movie, people expect them to continue to make only and exclusively great movies? Why they are not allowed to play with their medium as I am with mine?

Th-Th-Th-Th-Th-... That's all, folks
