Stupid DX:IW

Its a shame that potential sequels to Deus Ex are ruined now because of IW. Couldn't they make a game that was a sequel to Deus Ex, but a prequel to IW?

R.I.P Agent Pendrell


Nothing is ruined. DX:IW was a good game and Eidos Montreal could continue the story. But I'd like to see a game set between the first two as well though, it would be interesting. Or a game the begins shortly before DX1, you play as Paul and it ends sometime after DX1, maybe setting up the game between DX1 & 2.

The prequel could work too but they'll have to do a very good job. And I think the story won't be a problem with Mary DeMarle and James Swallow (and others currently unkown) working on it, with Sheldon Pacotti's help.

Politicians are drawn to cameras like flies are drawn to... politicians. - Boston Legal


In retrospect, I do not really understand the grudge so many folks hold against DX: IW. I think much of it stems from the fact it couldn't hold DX's cup or didn't exceed it, but on its own, it was still an exceptional game.


Yeah, and I loved how it tied in. If there was even ONE obscure reference, I would have been happy.


In the end, Okonkwo threw the Cat.


IW sucks so bad i re played it recently it really is a broken buggy game with a strait to video type feel to the story also the rage doll and npc AI is retarded and the game dosent carry many of the trademarks the deus ex games have like for example the shots of the helicopter taking off or the driving music that 1 and 3 have it also don't seam to have the look of a deus ex game it looks more like half life 2 only with crapper models

you will have to forgive the lack of full stops lack of proper spelling im dyslexic but not stupid


Rubbish, IW is a good game.

It came out to glowing praise from reviewers, and everyone I know who isn't Deus Ex fanatic considers it to be an OK sequel and a decent game in it's own right.

I played it recently and I loved it. I'm going to play through the original and IW again after this run of HR so I get the continuity, and I can't wait.

No my dear, procrastination is an art form!


I'm a DX fanatic, and I consider it to be an OK sequel. The gameplay was sorely lacking but the plotline was pretty good. I liked a lot of the concepts it introduced (the Omar, the nanite-swarm in Cairo, reinvented Templar order, the Order Church, the way it managed to implement most of the endings from the first game).

I can't help but feel it would have met its potential had it not been dual developed for console systems though. You could tell they had to limit the areas because console systems would be unable to handle larger levels, and I hated the changes to the HUD interface.

You're the funniest thing I seen since Biter chewed off that Septa's teats - Rorge
