Deus Ex:HR movie in the works

So, CBS Films is working with Eidos-Montreal to get a movie underway. I'm kind of hesitant to see yet another of my favourite games of all time get ripped to shreds on the wide-screen forum. History has dictated that the two don't really seem to translate well. I even hear they want to base it on Human Revolution directly.

I think the potential is there if they take a more cerebral, clinical approach to the writing, with action being only secondary to the point and atmosphere that the movie is trying to make.

Probably too soon to ask, but what do you guys think about the whole "Deus Ex as a movie" thing??


I loved human revolution so I would love a movie based on that, then lead on to the original game if they want.

We'll see what happens, could end up being good, probably will end up bad.

I'd buy that for a dollar!
