MovieChat Forums > Deus Ex: Human Revolution (2011) Discussion > Significantly tougher than Deus Ex or In...

Significantly tougher than Deus Ex or Invisible War

I say this because they essentially transformed the game into a diet version of Metal Gear Solid and Splinter Cell. The game is about two or three features away from being a pure stealth espionage game. In DX and IW, the games were designed that, at times, there was a way you could avoid stealth and combat. In HR, stealth is mandatory. Combat is so unforgiving, especially in the higher difficulty settings.

What does everyone think of this approach to the game's design? I am personally in favor; I enjoy stealth action games and I feel as though stealth matches the totality of the game.


very true. If you go in guns blazing you will get destroyed. You could do that in the other DXs but this one is more realistic in that you HAVE to do it stealthy. I like that more and it separates the game from generic shooters.

"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist"


I just finished the Detroit part and just killed my first people. Anywhere else in the game, you get more than two people to deal with at a given time, they'll wipe you out in seconds.

Even in the other two DXes, going in guns blazing was usually a bad strategy. You never had enough ammo to implement such a strategy and the effectiveness of that strategy depended on how skilled your character was at using weapons.


That was the real issue...I basically chose a gun (the assault rifle) and then ignored all the other ammo and guns just putting all my cash into pumping that one gun up as high as I could get it with addons like the extra ammo capacity upgrade and such. The only other gun I used was in boss fights, at which point the laser rifle was the best option.

The real issue is the ammo problem, there just isn't enough to be able to go in guns blazing, if you do then it's almost guaranteed you'll run out before you hit the bosses and wind up in a horrible position. On my first run I wound up walking into the first boss (after having saved my game so of course I was stuck) with little more than a pistol and some tranquilizer darts. Needless to say he completely destroyed me over and over and over again, I wound up having to restart and completely adjust my approach.

Besides, if you go in guns blazing then you don't get any bonus XP for things like the "Ghost" achievements.


"I have often laughed at weaklings
who thought themselves good because
they had no claws."


Then again, if your desire is to go in guns blazing, then DX is clearly not the game for you.


Wasn't there a bunch of weapons in the corner? I know there were some grenades there as I threw a few at him, shot him in the head a couple of times and he died.

I think my weapon of choice was the shot gun during my first run through of the game. Now I'm playing it again and I've chosen the non lethal way, you get more XP points anyway, rather than killing them. I didn't even use the tranq gun or stun gun once during my first run through. It would have made one of the missions easier where you have to disable a bunch of guys, but not kill them. I just did a take down, then would run away and return before any of them would wake up. I didn't even use Typhoon until right near the end, I didn't even know what button to press :) Probably should have looked at the tutorials a little sooner.


I honestly do not understand why folks try to play this game as if it were a shooter. Its really not. Even if you excel at using deadly force, it takes ALL the fun out of the game. At the least, the game is meant to played striking a balance between using deadly force versus "finesse" and stealth.

Oh well. We certainly are in the era of "Call of Duty," what else should we expect out of gamers today?


I played on medium difficulty since the selection screen said that its how the game was meant to be played. I'm not ready to play through it again so soon to just try the max difficulty.

Anyway, I beat the game without making a single kill (except the bosses of course, and those don't count in kill stats).
So as you might imagine since I've been arming myself with all non-lethal weapons, I found myself in a tough situation with every boss. Actually, they are surprisingly easy to kill.

First boss (Barrett):
Run and dodge his attacks behind columns. Throw poison gas tanks and explosive barrels scattered around at him while he reloads. He will be incapacitated for a while if he is in a cloud of gas, so continue throwing barrels/tanks. Takes 4-5 to kill him, not a single shot fired, no augmentations used.

Second boss (Fedorova):
I had a silenced 10mm pistol with laser mod that I carried around for detonation of mines. It came handy here.
So as soon as you enter the fight go into cloak and pound her in the head with the 10mm. She is not able to attack or move if you keep shooting her in the head. Takes about 3 mags to finish her off. I suppose there could be a more elegant solution, but this should be easy enough for anyone to perform.

Third boss (Namir):
I obviously didn't have any powerful lethal weapons, and Zhao disabled my augmentations, I was practically powerless against this guy. Bringing the hacked turret from the beginning of the level was my solution.
When the fight starts, just run to the turret, then take a turn and hide. Once the turret spots him, it kills him in 4 seconds. Again, I haven't fired a single shot.

Deus Ex games are not typical shooters, so don't try to play them like one. It's very painful if you try.


Once I got the hang of Barret's style, he became surprisingly easy even on Hard mode...I immediately run to the wall in front of you, and then chuck an EMP or gas grenade and then while he's incapacitated I'll toss every frag grenade, mine and whatever directly at him...if you have maybe 4 or 5 frag grenades you can literally have him beat within 15 seconds or so.

For Fedorova, the simplest way to beat her I found was to just grab the Dermal upgrade that protects from electricity...stand in front of the electrical boxes in the water and when she runs at you just jump over her. She'll typhoon the area, blow the electrical box and electrocute herself. There's four boxes and I just went from one to the next, never fired a shot and beat her.

Namir is simplest with the turret you mentioned, luckily I'd just forgotten to grab the chip on my first run and so I had all my Aug's. You can also catch him if you time it just right while he's leaping over the wall, if you get him right when he's landing and do a silent takedown or kill you can take him out in one shot.

pretty funny stuff, I dunno if it's a glitch or whether they meant for it to be that way.

One point I found it INCREDIBLY tough to pull off non-lethally was the helicopter rescue mission...when you go back to China and get shot down, the helicopter gets hit so hard and so fast that it's really, really hard to knock out all those people. I had to stock up on probars, draw as much fire as I could and then stealth and try to do two or three double knockouts at a time. Refill, rinse, repeat...that's the only part I found that I absolutely had to actually show myself to the enemy, if I didn't then without fail my pilot would croak before I could take out all those heavily armed guards...


"I have often laughed at weaklings
who thought themselves good because
they had no claws."


Ah, nice one with Fedorova, I didn't get to explore that room.

For helicopter rescue all you have to do is go into cloak and run to the far side behind the enemies. Once there they won't pay any attention to you, so use stun gun, tranquilizer rifle and non-lethal melee takedown. The helicopter can take quite a lot of damage from infantry, just not from the bot. Be sure to be near the rear wall when the bot appears, so you are behind it. EMP the sucker and you are done. You don't have to take any damage at all during that mission.


That was my first positive impression of the beta, you couldn't just march in hoping you could just shoot everyone and survive. Requires a helluva lot more tactics than a generic run-and-gun game.
I don't mean to impose, but I am the Ocean.


I agree.....the "aggressive" approach that they've so marketed in the trailers doesn't really call for this type of game. I found on many occasions, if not ALL, that i had to go the stealthy route. As for the boss battles, only the last two do you actually NEED a weapon to beat. Barret and Yelena require some quick moves and the environment to be taken care of pretty quickly.

"once the full potential of the human spirit has been unlocked, true divine power awakens"


They switched the dynamic of the first game. There combat was the "easy" way out, stealth/sneaking was harder. This game made stealth the easy way out and combat much harder.


I like how they made combat harder, but they do not "reward" for combat, at least not as much as using stealth and finesse.

The dynamic has been improved in DX: HR


why not reward for combat? the game was reviewed largely as a game where you could choose equally between combat and stealth. as someone said earlier it is more of a metal gear/splinter cell kind of a game. a good game, but it wasn't marketed as a strait up stealth game.


My second runthrough on hard difficulty I went all out combat in weapons and augs. I killed pretty much EVERYONE that opposed me. It worked out well. It requires alot of finesse though. If you just run in guns blazing you'll die. You need to use grenades and cover effectively. I also used alot of typhoons. I found it ALOT more challenging playing like this as opposed to playing a more stealthy character. But I still enjoyed the stealth style quite a bit more.

The bosses are no challenge if you know how to deal with them no matter what difficulty or what weapons you have. But some augs and weapons make them so simple it's laughable.

The first boss you can chain stun until he dies with stun gun. You just run up to him and keep shooting him with stungun until he dies. You need around 20 in ammo though.

Second boss dies from 2-3 typhoons so she's no challenge at all if you have that, otherwise using emp mines that are supplied in her area and just shooting her will take care of her easily.

Third boss was the easiest of all bosses tied with the last boss. All you do is save the grenade launcher for this boss. One hit from it stuns him and he takes massive dmg, just shoot 4-5 grenades in his face and he's dead (takes less than 5seconds). Or you can kill him with one punch when he's jumping over a wall (yep he dies from 1).

Last boss dies in 5 seconds flat from the laser rifle and it can be used at any stage during the boss fight. so you can simply just take cover behind a wall from the turrets and shoot her with the laser for 5 secs and she's dead, easiest of all the bosses. If you have full dermal upgrades you can simply run up to her face and kill her with the laser rifle as well, she dies before you die even on hard.


Have you ever played the original Deus Ex on Realistic difficulty? I see that you didnt. Now THAT thing is hard. No DXHR auto-healing, very few first aid kits and death in basically 1-2 shots. DXHR is a walk in the park compared to DX on realistic. DX is king.


Well,ive played DX several times in realistic and its as a whole certainly
not harder than DXHR,but the original,despite having weak shootermechanics
doesnt try to get the player playing stealthy. Its realy the players choice.
On the other hand DXHR has better shootermechanics but the gamedesign tries
to get the player playing stealthy and nonlethal.
Anyway. If you have reached Hengsha you are probably augmented enough and have
your favourite weapons outfitted enough to play it more like a shooter. Not
like the Serious Sam kind but smart run and gunning.
The "AI" in DXHR is easily exploited because it is subpar to say, for example
the Half-Life 1 grunts. Even the bosses are simply strong but very dumb.
The simplest playertactics cant be countered by the "AI" in DXHR and i cant
count how often a bunch of heavy grunts in DXHR went down in front of a ven-
tilationduct. Its easily done. Just floor one that the others must see it,than
wait in the shaft until they are all before it and than knock their socks of
with the pep-gun or a gas grenade (friendly) or the doubleaction shotgun or a
frag (badass).


Yeah the all-guns-blazing approach was pretty difficult for the most part. That is until I could get some decent ammo and Augs, and yet I still found that during a shootout I'd occassionally use the cloak and lethal takedown combo in-between gunning just to cut down the enemies or get some breathing space.

On my first playthrough I went stealthy so I could go through the game without killing anyone. I found this particularly hard at the helicopter crash part, as the mechs kept wasting the helicopter. Can't remember exactly what I did but I do remember using mines against the mechs, which I had to be careful as to not hit the regular soldiers in-case they died. That part itself was the hardest part of the game for me, along with going stealthy during the TYM ambush.


Actually Namir was the toughest boss! This isn't a difficult game at all, neither was Invisible War, but Deus Ex was not so easy.

Metal forever.............
