Augmentations and LIMB Clinics

Just a weird observation, but it seemed strange to me that there were Limb Clinics on almost every level in the game (including the secret arctic base) but you didn't need to go there to get augmentations.

You could upgrade yourself including giving yourself bionic limbs ANYWHERE in the game at any time. If you had the requisite Praxis points you could apparently perform augmentation surgery on yourself instantly; during combat, out in the street, while crawling through a duct etc... In fact, you only needed to go to the clinic to buy candy bars and possibly purchase Praxis points.
This seems completely illogical to me. It would have been better to require going to the clinics to get your surgical upgrades and since there is always one in the hub level of most locations in the game it would have been easy. It would also have tied into story better as the LIMB clinic is a prominent feature of the plot.


In the greater narrative/canon, it makes perfect sense to me.

The story behind Adam himself is that his body was so mutilated during the attack, that if all the augmentations he received during that one giant mass-surgery were switched on right when they were installed, his body was in no condition to adapt to it and he would go into shock and die. Additionally, they assumed he was a regular Joe. And would react to the augs the same, and need Neuropozine shots. They didn't know that his body would take to it like a duck to water. I think David knew ahead of time, but he couldn't let the cat out of the bag.

As time goes on and he heals, they would slowly activate themselves one-by-one. Your 'experience points' is Adam going through day to day life. Praxis kits are available because David wants you to become as fully functional in a short a time as possible, with the barest regards to your well-being.

In the greater world, LIMB clinics would be available everywhere for people to come in and get routine No-Poze, upgrades, adjustments, care for negative reactions to installations. Like an express walk-in emergency clinic in a city.

In the end, Okonkwo threw the Cat.


That is an interesting theory..though not one that is even hinted at in the game. It is a good way of explaining experience points which are rife in RPGs but don't exist in any other game genre. But was it established in game canon that Adam had all of these enhancements implanted already? According to the augmentation chart, you start the game with several augmentations already in place. These, I assume are the ones Adam received during his life saving surgery. But has no leg enhancements or back enhancements etc.


Dr Marcovic says it, when you very first visit LIMB and David gives you 5000 credits to get a Praxis Kit. She actually just kinda glances over it, but I've played it rabidly 6 or 7 times, and I've pieced it and fleshed it out a little bit more solidly together every time.

In the end, Okonkwo threw the Cat.


2:13, the LIMB cutscene tsarts.

In the end, Okonkwo threw the Cat.
