Opening theme music

Anyone know what/who plays the eerie opening theme music? No vocals just changing whiny like pitches.


Unable to edit my post but wanted to point out that the opening theme music is as uniquely distinct for this show as the old "Dark Shadows" opening music was for that show.


Love your avatar. Tim's the man!! As for the eerie opening theme music I don't know who does it, but I know it's a joke in my house. If my husband and I are in a "tiff " about something, I'll break into a rendition of eeeeeeeyaaaaaaeeeeeeaaaaaa, in a operatic voice. He cracks up and so do I. *whispering* It's a good way to end an argument. :)))


Mickey I literally lol when I read that! I'm going to have to try that next time my husband and I argue since this show makes him nervous, muahahahahaha!

Just the tip?
Just the tip.
Just the tip! -Sterling Archer



Love it!!! Something needs to change with that "scary" music and over-the-top narration. But as long as we're stuck with both, I advocate using them with humour.
