Ungrateful spoiled Be-atch

Lib needed her bottom spanked!


Well, yeah, but I don't think 11-year-olds traditionally always deal with revelations like this in the optimal way. She feels mistrustful and angry because her parents have lied to her for her whole life. RATHER a betrayal!

Additionally, not knowing who your birth parents are is a void that can really only be understood by other adoptees. (Though admittedly, not all adoptees feel such a void, or curiosity.)



Thanks for this reply. I am 43 and still feel that void. I know when I was 11 I felt completely alone in the world. I fantasized every day about who my birthparents were. I think this film completely gets it!


No, her parents handled all this completely wrong. She should have been told from an early age and not fed that BS about her mom having her, being in labor, thinking it's something she ate, etc.

The person who should have been smacked down was that little be-otch who called her a bastard.

Roland, that's a lilac bush!
