MovieChat Forums > Wrecked (2011) Discussion > Sounds sort of lame. A geriatric versio...

Sounds sort of lame. A geriatric version of 'phone booth'.



Mr Alphonoso, have u read the plot for Phonebooth? They are nothing alike.


They are similair though, Adrien's trapped in a car and the surrounding woods, and Farrell is trapped in the phone booth.

The biggest difference is that Phone Booth was the better film.

I said I never had much use for one....never said I didn't know how to use it.


there is absolutely no similarity between these films.

in one a man is held at gunpoint in a phone booth for a few hours in the middle of freaking New York, surrounded by a crowd, police and media, constantly talking to everyone.

in another a man is trapped for days in a car after an accident, but he does crawl out half-way through the film. there is no crowd, almost no talking, pain, wilderness and despair.

if you base your assumption on the word "trapped", than i guess you can say that Saw is a geriatric version of Home Alone. if anything this is a variation of Buried and 127 Hours.

also, 'geriatric'? Colin Farrell is only 3 years younger than Adreien Brody.

This is your life. It is ending one minute at a time.


at least Wrecked is based on reality...this could happen to you. Phonebooth was laughable fantasy.


Based on reality? Where on earth do you get that from? It was written as an original screenplay.

If you don't like that answer try looking at the trivia.


I think what he meant was something like that COULD happen to you, where's the situation in Phonebooth was just hollywood nonsense.


More like "127 Hours" where a guy has trapped his hand down in a ravine, and has to survive.


Do you mean "generic"? Didn't see too many old people in this.


While there are very few similarities between these two films--I was actually thinking the same thing--even after I watched it--LOL! Perhaps the most obvious similarity was most of the films was shot in the same location.

As far as similarities go--in my opinion this film shared more similarities with films such as Buried, Sanctum, 127 Hours, The Descent, That Baby Jessica, and The Cave.


I agree with Mr. Alphonso! These 2 movies are so similar. Just like how I don't need to see "Cowboys and Aliens" because I already saw "127 Hours." Hollywood, could you please be more original? I'm tired of seeing the same crap! Like the upcoming Amazing Spider-Man. Why make another Spider-Man movie when Tom Cruise already did Valkyrie? It doesn't make sense to "special" people like me and Mr. Alphonso. Just venting.. Next!
