Should I see it?

I haven’t seen it yet but I would like to because it has Adrien Brody in it and his work is consistently great. Plus the plot seems interesting!
But on the other hand the title characters are called Men, Women and it's both a directors début and a Writer (screenplay) début. And has a medium rating...
I guess the question is should I see it? Did you like it? And is it worth seeing for the lead men performance only or should I run away :)


If you like to stay in the situation and ask "what would I do" in this situation, you'll love it. If you have loved and lost and have a spine, you will love it once you figure it out during the credits.

If you are kindof shallow or simple, you probably will like it.

From a story, it has...
Man against Man
Man against Woman
Man against Nature
Man against Self

So....other than man against robot, if you understand all that is going on in his mind, you'll remember it when your an old fart.



I watched it in spite of the bad reviews because I like all of his movies, this movies is not up to the standards I have come to expect from Brody

Of all the things I have lost I miss my mind the most
