MovieChat Forums > Wrecked (2011) Discussion > Movies slower than this...?

Movies slower than this...?

Is it me or this is the slowest paced movie ever made?

Barely any dialog in the entire movie.

First half of the movie takes place in and around the car with little to nothing happening during this time.

Second half of the movie is a little better with the character moving around a bit and having regular hallucinations that didn't mean much.

And the tip of the iceberg, 80 mins into the film they let us on the backstory (albeit very little of it) with a small twist and the credit starts rolling around the 85th minute. Whoa!

He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither ~ B. Franklin


Gerry is slower.

and go watch fast and furious.


You should never watch asian dramas then.


Try german or french art movies from the 60's or the 70's


Is this supposed to be a great movie? I mean it was the only new DVD release ( that looked interesting this week.


Agreed. A little repetive at first. Had a little "Castaway" feeling. Thought I'd be more of a man in the first couple of days and could pee higher.

However, the ending was abso-friggin'-worth it based on the movie description I was clicking on in Netflix.


Yes! Your description is spot-on.

What I found the most upsetting about this movie is that there was actually a good story hidden in there somewhere, but the interesting parts (flashbacks, being unsure about actually being a bank robber, or even the threats by wildlife...) were covered in about 5 minutes of total screen time, while the remaining 80 minutes were spent looking at him sitting miserably in the car, being in pain, or army-crawling through the forest.

Not even the admittedly good acting and the final 5 minutes that revealed the actual story could make up for just how boring the movie had been before that.

Perhaps, if they didn't make us viewers suffer so badly ourselves, we could've been more empathetic towards the guy, but this way we just wished he got mauled by the wildcat already just to make it stop.


I also think it was the slowest movie I have ever seen. I was expecting a lot more from this movie but it felt more like an experimenal debut of a canadian producer and then when I saw the credits I did realize it was canadian and when I read IMDB I saw it was the director's debut !!


I could literally name a hundred movies slower than this.

