Season 2 Ending.

Personally I am at odds with myself over the ending.

I'm not going to lie. I am a fangirl of Sebastion and Ciel. Those moments between them where it appears there is something more to the two of them.

But then I also, even more than the above, wanted Sebastion to eat his soul. It was ready to end. Ciel had completed what he wanted. But then season 2 came around and as much as I loved it I couldn't shake the feeling that it should have ended.


Go outside and have a drink.
But I don't drink alcohol.
4.44am SA


When I saw the season 1 finale I was also somewhat glad-- it was the ending that the whole series was building up towards. However, I thought that it would be somewhat of a letdown if it ended just there. Sebastian should've seen what a loss it would be, eating Ciel's soul. Then what? Would Ciel's soul be just dead, digested, or would he be an integral part of Sebastian? What I didn't like about Season 2 the most was the need for Sebastian to find something for Ciel to get revenge over. But I thought that Season 2's ending was near-perfect: we learn the extent of Sebastian's obsession with Ciel's soul, and he sort of deserved the punishment of being always around Ciel and having no hope of reward. Sebastian also makes it clear at one point that he was tired of always devouring things; maybe, in the end, this is what he wanted?


Also, do any of you know if there is a third season in the works? I think it might be pushing it for the show to get a third run, but then again I'd be kind of curious.


I'm in favor of a third season! The ending although good, still left a lot of unanswered questions that can be covered in season 3. Still, a great way to end the series.



i loved season 2, hated the ending. i really wanted to see sebastian eat ciel's soul. i really did, i felt he deserved it. making ciel into a demon seemed very wrong to me. he maintained his purity despite his past and now he seems sullied. sebastian agreed to being his butler for life but didnt seem too satisfied with it. and what are they going to do now that everyone thinks ciel is dead? for some reason it doesnt sit right with me.


Yeah! You're absolutely right. I totally agree with you. I also really hated that moment where Ciel turned into demon. It was unjust with sebastian after what he did for Ciel! It felt like "punishing sebastian", which i really hated! It would had been a better ending if he had Ciel soul! but I really wanna see it's another season!




No, you are wrong about that "Sebastian should have Ciel's soul". Yeah, I hated when he became demon but that doesn't mean that Sebastian should have eaten Ciel's soul! Sebastian was Honest but Ciel was also honest. It wasn't his fault that he becomes demon and Sebastian couldn't eat his soul.


Personally, I liked the ending. Ciel was an anti-hero anyway, so it was neat to see him get one over Sebastian and his fate - and that of Sebastian's - fitted him well.

On the whole, I found the series a curate's egg. [SPOILERS]There were some great moments and memorable imagery. However, there were also lot of the worst anime cliches. Jumping 20 feet in the air and darting back and forth at the speed of sound. The servants conflicting art styles - one moment faux-realistic, the next all big eyes and cartoony. Sebastian suffered from the Captain Scarlet syndrome - Would it matter if he was struck by a hail of bullets from a machine gun when he was immortal anyway? The attention to detail tended to fluctuate - you'd have epsiodes where the authors had clearly researched their material (ice fairs on the Thames and the Crystal palace) and then you have incredibly looking anachronistic cars... The curry burgers were daft and Grell's transformation from Jack the Ripper to pathetic lovelorn teenager-with-a-crush was annoying.[/SPOILERS]

Nevertheless, the overall story held my attention. It could have easily finished at the end of the first series, but the second series gave an interesting ending to an interesting conceit.


Really I hated Season 2. To me it was all a joke, the storyline was just so frantic in my opinion, and way too far out there for me to even care how it works.

You know why? Because Ciel's death before, that end to the first season, that was *beep* beautiful. It made me so sad, but so happy at the same time from how beautiful it was.

The second season should have followed Sabastian into the hierarchy of demons and the different types of them hiding and "playing roles" in different places.


I wish my lawn was emo so it would cut itself...
