Movie endings

This getting to be a trend of ending movies without saying what happened, I guess this works for a lot of viewers, but to me it can also harm a film as well. This type of movie in my opinion would have been better with a clear cut ending. Is this the directors doing this. Are they simply trying to get us talking about a movie for there own recognition, six out of last ten movies i have watch fell into this category. You follow the movie but never know what happened to characters you either like or dislike feeling empty after you leave the theater. I don't mind some movies ending like this. but don't need to feel this way almost after every film. How do some of you feel on this matter.


Personally, I thougth the sound of a police siren echoing through the last shot was pretty telling, but hey, what do I know?


I don't mind open ended fiction films. I don't need everything wrapped up in a neat little package for me - a little conjecture can be entertaining.


Great post, I can understand exactly what you are saying. But this film ended the best way to say it for me would be it ended as if the film projector broke. She being with the lover and every thing is just fine. I so wanted to see what of the daughter whom she left to find her father murdered in his sleep. How can any woman be comfortable in her lovers arms with what she just put her daughter through. The rest I could live with but the lover never questioning anything and by the time the ending came and he still never said, what did you do, or where are your kids, what do you now want to do, the film was ruined by his lackluster character...For example he never came close to giving any sound advice to her such as lets just wait till the dust settles or stay calm or any thing that would have made it easier for all involved.... Did he take the blame? Did they make a run for it and shot dead crossing a stream trying to hide there scent[just having fun on the last one]. Did she commit suicide my point is they could have went just a little bit further and still left a lot open but this film maker just took a cowardly easy way out. This is not directed at you or those who were not bothered by this ending but i will say we who thought the end was lame should start to let film makers know some of there endings need work. One last point Sometimes major stars will get the script changed to appease there careers and this is what i bet may have happened here.


The sound of the police siren in the last shot was pretty telling. At the very least, she goes to jail, but whatever the outcome, it's not good.


It could have been an ambulance not the police. I do feel they wanted us to think police, but they messed the ending up so bad it would not surprise me if they never even suspected viewers would assume an ambulance.


I have no fault with the ending. It's crystal clear she goes
to jail. So what in the daughter finding her father's body?
She had no respect for her mother. In fact, I remember the
mother saying her daughter reminded her of the father!!! The
father was a horrible man! Just look how he treated KST.
Rough sex, knowing she didn't want him! No wonder she shot
his ass! Anyhow, I agree with several posters who say all 3
main characters were stupid! Good film.


I am glad it worked for you.
