MovieChat Forums > Devil (2010) Discussion > This is a really great movie

This is a really great movie

Great twist and message.


no, it is bad. really bad.


Sucks. Then sucks some more.


I thought it was pretty good. Well paced and short, knowing how long to go before bringing it to an end. The misdirection in clues as to who the devil was par for the course. In a good mystery the viewer should take clues seriously to figure whodunit. But in this kind a movie I think: they are pointing too much at him/her so they cant be the devil. Again not bad on the first viewing probably would not watch again.


COMPLETELY underrated movie.

For the past 5 years, I've been so disappointed with a whole of horror movies and thriller films that have been coming out.

I always look back to Devil as one of the best-paced thriller films out there. It really was great.



Totally agree ! A first rate movie.



Not great, just good. I'd give it a 7.2.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.


I, personally, thought this movie was GREAT! It had an AMAZING twist and I LOVED it! XD
I especially Loved being in the theaters and hearing the reaction from the audience to the dead woman, who was the wallet thief, stand up with black eyes. PRICELESS! =D

I was hoping so much that since it said something about being a 1st in a chronicle that they were going to be doing more than one. But alas it is not to be. . . -_-;


i love this movie, and i am not a fan of shyamalan
