MovieChat Forums > Peacemaker (2022) Discussion > Episode 8. Cameos were stupid

Episode 8. Cameos were stupid

I really wish all those marvel and dc tv shows would stop referring to movie characters. And they do that all the time. Because it just shows how stupid all those tv shows are.

Like Peacemaker exists in a world where Superman and Flash live. And any of those characters would take out butterfly treat in 10 seconds. Literally. Flash would kill that Cow in a blink of an eye. Same with Superman.

But all those strong Superheroes always very conveniently absent when tv characters have big problems. Here Aquaman, Flash, Wonder Woman and Superman showed up out of nowhere at the end of the battle to hear some idiotic jokes and then go home. It was looking very very stupid.

And I genuinely wonder how Aquaman got there in time with everyone. Like - did Superman carry him in his arms? Not to mention they were God knows where and how far from nearest hospital. And Peacemaker had that blondie dying in his arms. Like logical thing would be to ask Superman to fly her to hospital. But our gang just put her in a car and went off. And she would die on her way there. Her, being so injured and surviving, was form of cheating. There was no way she would.


That is actually true. Either superman or Flash could have handled it alone, they don't really need all to be there, especially Aquaman.


The idea is that there are missions that either don't require the JL or the scope isn't known right away to require the JL.

Throughout the entire show, the Butterflies were hidden, kinda like Starro until the end of TSS. Also, Waller isn't going to want JL to know about everything she's doing.

It wasn't until half way through that we learned the Butterflies were widespread, and who knows if Waller even got that information right away. It wasn't until the end that we learned about the cow and where it was, and that's when JL showed up.

Had the team known JL was going to show up, they could've just sat it out and waited for JL to fix the whole thing, easily. But they didn't know.

And are you really complaining about someone surviving a few gunshots to the body in a comic-book related show? It looked like the worst place she got shot was in the stomach, which is survivable, and can take hours to die from when not attended to.


No, the real reason is that they created bunch of other shows and movies where other characters must be heroes. So they cant have Superman of Flash to show up and fix everything in 2 seconds. So they must pretend that main JL are all busy.

Thats fine. But every time that characters in Suicide Squad and Peacemaker keep mentioning Superman and Flash and remind everyone that they exist in same universe and country - it makes everything look stupid.


That's like saying we can't have Daredevil fighting against the Kingpin when the Avengers could swoop in and just take out his whole empire. The audience would get bored of the Avengers learning about the Kingpin for a couple hours then taking him out.

It's the same thing here. The Butterfly plot is more like an X-files storyline than a JL storyline. Audiences would be bored to tears spending two hours learning about them only to kill the cow in two seconds at the end. It's got Waller mission written all over it.

As for mentioning characters in the same universe, I could take it or leave it. They got JL to show up for the party and even got Aquaman and Flash to cameo like how Suicide Squad 2016 got Batfleck. They are connecting the universe because it's connected. And they are throwing in jokes because it's a comedy and sure some of those jokes aren't going to land since comedy is rough. Though I will say people have been waiting decades for DC heroes to be in the same setting, and they didn't get it until all the way in 2016. Going back to the old way of things seems like a step back IMO.


So you're basically saying that since we have Supe and JL all the cops are useless. Right?

They can fix ANY situation in 2 seconds so why do we even have cops or armed forces ...


Thought it was the funniest part of the episode. Too bad they didn't grab Cavill and Gadot, but I thought it was a good joke. Yes, the Justice League would eliminate this threat in a minute, but this is a superhero comedy, logic should be thrown out the window prior to viewing.


Agreed, it was pretty funny, like the cliche of the Police showing up in an action movie 3 minutes late


Peacemaker can't exist because he's not as strong as someone in The Justice League? What is the logic in that statement?

They were obviously doing something else at the time, is that so hard to comprehend?


The JL didn't show up "out of nowhere." Earlier in the episode, Leota called Waller and asked to have them come help. The cameos were funny. Why are you expecting logic in a superhero comedy?


I disagree with much of your reasons but agree about the tiresome cameos. DC cameos always feel like they are forced.

But I did enjoy this show. Funny and even touching at times.
