WTF is this movie about??

Does anyone know is this movie good? It has a decent rating...and Billy Zane's in it so how could it not be good? Saw him in Attack on Darfur recently; he did an incredible job and the film is really worthwhile if you want to know what's been going on in Darfur.


I just watched it, and thought it was good enough. It seemed the film was divided in two: on one side was the kickass zombie destruction, bloodshed, and survival in an apocalyptic world; and on the other was a disjointed tale of the history and origin of the zombies. With a hearty dose of myth thrown in, towards the end it was extremely confusing for this viewer to tell just what the hell was going on, and why. Why the hole in the ground? What was the light coming from the hole? Why didn't the zombies attack once our survivors got close to the hole? What was the box? Who was the disembodied, blue, floating lightning head? Just who exactly was Billy Zane supposed to be??

To be fair, I did watch a bootlegged version of this movie, with acquired bootlegged subtitles. Even so, I don't see how a perfect English translation of the dialogue would have helped clarify all the questions I raised.

Back to your original question, it really, really is worth a watch though. The regular zombie, modern day scenes are excellent, with lots of blood, comedy, and an original stylistic approach. Just be prepared to be a little confused.

The real trick to life is not to be in the know, but to be in the mystery. -Fred Alan Wolf
