MovieChat Forums > Did You Hear About the Morgans? (2009) Discussion > Enough with the stupid Palin jokes alrea...

Enough with the stupid Palin jokes already!!

I mean seriously! I'm tired of all of these *beep* Palin jokes! Especially from no talented horse-faced b**ches!! Stop disrespecting Sarah Palin! At least Palin has AND will stand up for her VALUES, ETHICS, MORALS, AND PRINCIPLES which is more than I can say for these Obama *beep* SJP)! If you don't like her, fine! That's your opinion. But let's move on already and stop having the stupid Liberal media and Liberal hollywood make these stupid and very ignorant jokes about Republicans, Conservatives, and Christians! That's all I got to say. You can hate it or love it! Peace out.




1. Sarah Jessica Parker didn't write the script. Don't blame her for the bad jokes.

2. Elijah Wood is a huge, raging liberal.

Do you still love him?


Most Americans think Sarah Palin is funny, and that's nothing compared to what the rest of the world thinks (not that the hopelessly provincial right-wingnuts care about the rest of the world). But by all means, support her. Nothing would make me happier than to see her win the Republican nomination in 2012, because if you think McCain went down it flames last year, that'll be a soft landing compared to hers.

You won't even be able to get your self-loathing Republican women to vote for her. And as for sexist Republican males....

Of course, no Republican stands a chance in 2012. Obama could trip on a banana peel and lose his pants on national television, and he'd still look like a genius compared to Bush. This country is making a hard (and long overdue) swing to the left. But, hide in your shells, little neocons! Fraternize only with each other, watch your Faux Noise, and huddle in your insular internet places. Because it's like this: neoconservatism is an outmoded, discredited joke, and the majority is laughing at you...

...and at Sarah Palin.


McCain/Palin were ahead in the polls until the economy crashed. Obama barely eked out a victory in the primaries against Hillary Clinton. Palin was drawing huge crowds on her own during the campaign. The fact that political jokes are being made about someone who no longer holds political office, shows she is a force to be reckoned with. When the jokes stop, then she is in trouble. You don't hear many Dan Quayle jokes anymore.


McCain and Moosejaw Barbie were NEVER ahead in the polls except for a few brief days after the convention. They never stood a chance and the economy had nothing to do with it.

The more the American public heard what a complete airhead and uneducated moron McCain had chosen the more they were terrified of what would happen if the old phart had a heart attack and passed on.

Plus listening to McCain lie about going to D.C. to save the country when he really went to an interview with Katie Couric.

The real closer was when everyone realized M and P were totally unfit to lead America. Obama won by TEN MILLION VOTES.

The thing about this second link is the second paragraph showing McCain and Caribou Stacy NEVER had a lead except for their convention bounce which disappeared almost over night as the American public saw what a clown McCain really was and what a horrendous choice The Quita From Wasilla was. She showed herself to be completely uneducated, uninformed, and for all intents and purposes an ignorant hillbilly with great hooters.

They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety


People are still making Bush is dumb jokes and Clinton is a sex addict jokes. Don't expect the Palin jokes to stop anytime soon. Maybe Jay Leno will make an OJ joke tonight too.


I don't care if they make fun of Sarah Palin, but the joke was ridiculously unfunny. Hey look a woman with a gun, it's Sarah Palin! hahahahahaha that's so funny


I only agree because I am sick of hearing about Sarah Palin. She is an idiot who doesn't deserve to be in the spotlight.


You're funny.




Poor Sarah, snif, snif, she never gets any respect
