Werewolf episode!

I really enjoyed this episode! The little footage from the guys camera of the werewolf was so cool!

Te amo mi hunnybunny!


I enjoyed the episode too. Nice C*O*P*S wannabe format they used.

One thing that had me howling with laughter-- the "Beast of Bray Road" references to our supposed local werewolf.
I was living near Delavan WI at the time, writing for TSR Inc, the company behind DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS. Some folks, especially idiotic Biblebangers, thought there must be some kind of supernatural hub in the area because of the presence of our "Satanic game." Sigh..... If there was a local werewolf, we would have been damn interested in finding it!
Turns out the "Beast" was a farmer's hound dog who had figured out how to walk upright as a means to scale wire fences.


I would have honestly enjoyed it more if the idiot who cut together the preview commercial hadn't totally given away who the werewolf was. I hate when that happens. Good episode though.


Freakosity is a very vast subject.



"Then why isn't (the body) given to the police or zoos to identify the animal?"
Are you talking about "in reality" or "in the show's reality"?

If the former, the answer was THIS IS FICTION so there is nothing to identify.

If the latter, the cadaver may have been spirited away to some restricted access lab and further details classified.
