How did movie end?

Our film broke for the last 10 minutes how did it end? Does the couple stay together?


Hello, the same thing happened at our theater! In our case, we were about four minutes from the end. Can anyone fill us in? Thanks.


Hugh's character and Leighton's character didn't stay together. She left town, he was alone in the house, his daughter finally decided on getting an apartment, his ex-wife teamed up with that missionary guy and was in Africa(looked like Africa) having a good time. I think at the very end, Hugh and Leighton's father began jogging together again.


... and Nina goes back to her cheating boyfriend.


No, in the words of Vanessa 'she broke up with everybody that night'.


I was very disappointed by the ending (and film in general). It's very anti-climactic, it just sort of drifts away and the narration conveniently explains what happened to everyone.

Ultimately this film didn't really have anything to say. Dull characters in a fairly dull situation.

Newest review:


i thought the end was out of character.

The rape scene was extraordinarily brutal but it was then cleverly juxtaposed with a game of Mah Jong between the naked lesbian and the tall armenian angler.

Then there is the final dinner scene with one lead farting loudly as the love of his life croaks.

Rather amusing


^^Lol...better than this film


The Mah Jong game was very interesting, though.


Edrisi, I must have drifted off and imagined another ending... I missed the rape scene -_- thanks for sharing though :P



You are 100% right about that.

God might, I won't.
