MovieChat Forums > Animal Kingdom (2010) Discussion > Why would a 17-year-old need to be walke...

Why would a 17-year-old need to be walked through washing his hands??

I just thought that part was very strange. Baz had to tell Josh to put soap on his hands, lather up, and then Josh even had trouble using the dryer! I liked the movie overall but this part was ridiculous.


Josh seemed pretty slow. lol. But I was watching an interview with the director talking about Joel Edgerton playing Baz and how he wanted at least one of these bad guy uncles (I know Baz is not a real uncle) to be sort of paternal and warm even though he was a criminal, and Edgerton fit that real well he said. After I saw that interview, that scene made a little more sense to me.


Well, I guess I should be pretty impressed that Josh figured out how to use the door to exit the bathroom without his uncle's assistance. Or maybe that was a deleted scene. Baz: See here is the bathroom door. You use it to leave the bathroom. It's what you came in 2 minutes ago. Try exiting through it. [Joel tries to exit through door and bumps into wall near door] Joel: These things don't like me. They never let me through. Baz: No, like this. You gotta go in the opening here. Yeah, right in there. [Baz smiles with pride as Josh walks through the door, then moving on to his next challenge of walking back to the table his family members were sitting at]


Seriously, that had me LOLing. Thanks for that. I hear you, it's a weird scene, like Josh is super slow or something.


Actually I think it was just to point out that Josh didn't have much of an upbringing with a drug addicted mother. He just didn't know that you should wash your hands after going to the toilet, maybe no one had explained the hygiene part to him. Baz was emphasizing HOW to wash his hands properly. Josh did say that those (drying) things never worked with him.


Good point. I also think it goes to show how detached from reality Josh is. Just look at how he reacted to his mother's overdose, or maybe I should say, his lack of a reaction.

Is it strange that I had an erection during that scene?


"I also think it goes to show how detached from reality Josh is."

I don't think he is detached from reality. He seems to recognize it quickly enough when the need arises (particularly when it is a question of his survival). I think he is emotionally detached. The whole film practically, he seems to be suffering from some form of PTSD. Whether he knows about washing his hands or not, he seems to really not care. Where this doesn't fit together is that in appearance he is well-groomed, bathes and always has clean clothes on. Someone in his situation you would expect to be more of a grunge.


How dumb are you?

He had an upbringing (or lack of) with a drug addicted mother. His character is devoid of many life skills, such as social interaction, etc.... How did you miss that?

Watch the film again and pay attention this time!


I think the idea was to show how this kid has not had a stable male influence in his life showing him how to be a man. He's had to piece it together himself and he's not familiar with the basic rules of cleanliness and etiquette.

Edgerton's character realises this and decides to step up and provide him with a role model; he can see that he's a good kid and wants to provide him with some kind of guidance in life...especially after everything he's been through.

It's also a way to create some kind of feeling for Edgereton's character so we feel the same as the brothers when it comes to their desire for revenge.


Well put, I 100% agree with you.

If you grow up in a dysfunctional/ drug abused household, then hygiene might be the last thing on your list of importance.

You're not a writer Fink, you're a goddamn write off


It is a bit strange, I figured it just showed how weak Josh was.


I thought this scene was to show how ridiculous some people can be, that J's uncle was concerned with bad hygiene and yet he was living a lifestyle that was dangerous and ultimately lethal.


I really don't think that scene was meant to imply that J didn't know how to wash his hands. He even said that the hand dryers never work for him. Why would he say that if he had never tried to use one before? Many people never wash their hands after using the toilet, anyone who has used public toilets enough knows this.

J is pretty aloof through the whole movie. He didn't NEED to be walked through how to wash his hands, but he's aloof enough and submissive enough that he just followed what Baz was saying. I think the purpose of the scene was to develop Baz's character and the relationship between the two characters, as others have pointed out.

I never felt it was meant to highlight that J was stupid or didn't know how to do it, just that he wasn't going to and ended up following Baz's instructions because that was his nature at that point in the movie; to follow the strong and be protected. Think about the line where J mentions something about being a ghost. That's kind of what his character is through much of the movie. Then Baz tells him that nobody is a ghost. Obviously that exchange was humorous, but I think it kind of sums up the whole trajectory of J's character, and explains why J acted the way he did when being told how to wash his hands, even though he already knew.

That's my take anyway.


This is why they post those little "Employees Must Wash Hands" signs in restaurant restrooms. I have seen many folks just head straight out the door once they leave the stall. Disgusting!

I doubt a heroin addicted Mom was on top of teaching her son the good habits of hand washing. I thought it was a funny scene. Maybe the writer or director just wanted to sneak in a pet peeve message in there.


After you wash your hands you have to grip the door handle or knob to get out of the restroom. A handle contaminated by all the people who don't wash their hands.

My sister worked in a medical school library. She said she would walk into a restroom used by students and staff and find women from certain non western countries not only washing their feet in the sink but not wiping after going to the toilet.

I don't know everything. Neither do you.


about 50% of the men in the area I live don't wash their hands after using the toilet (I'm a mam myself). It really is disgusting. This includes grown-ups! I actually think it's worst with the 40+ aged. This can't be due to a bad upbringing or anything... some rare times I actually find myself telling a stranger to please wash his hands.


He spent 17 years with a drug-addict mother. Do you really think she taught him anything about hygeine or social graces? In fact, people have commented a lot about how detached and stupid he seemed. His social awkwardness probably started in the womb. I'm surprised he wasn't more of a basket-case to be honest.
