MovieChat Forums > Halloween II (2009) Discussion > Zombie didn't even want to do this

Zombie didn't even want to do this

and it showed in the final product. I feel as if the stabbings were especially brutal to try and distract you from the odd pacing this film had.



From what I remember he gave numerous interviews stating that his film would be stand alone. Afterwards the studio wanted to make a sequel and Zombie decided that if it was going to happen either way he wanted to make it himself.


Of course Zombie wanted to do this. He wouldn't have done it otherwise.

Rob only wanted to do it because two French film makers were going to take the helm, and Rob didn't want anyone to sh!t all over his film. So he made a sequel based on how it *would have* gone in his mind:

In an interview, Zombie expressed how the exhaustion of creating the first Halloween made him not want to come back for a sequel, but after a year of cooling down he was more open to the idea.

For Halloween II, Zombie decided to focus more on the connection between Laurie and Michael, and the idea they share similar psychological problems. Zombie wanted the sequel to be more realistic and violent than its 2007 predecessor. For the characters of Halloween II, it is about change. Zombie wanted to look at how the events of the first film affected the characters.

but I'm not sure its what he intended because its no secret that he had a lot of interference from the studio/Weinsteins.

Incorrect, again. Rob was given complete creative control as a part of the deal to get him back in the director's chair. Malek Akkad, the producer, told Zombie on set:

'Don't feel hindered by any of the rules we've had in the past. I want this to be your vision and I want you to express that vision.'

Thus explaining the bizarre ghostly satanic imagery.



'The theatrical cut of Rob Zombie's Halloween II is one of my favorite films ever.'

um each their own I guess..

but what other films do you like? because someone who praises robs h2 as a masterpiece I just cannot fathom..

I mean the script...for god sake that f'ng script!! writing the first half hour into a corner so he made it a dream...dr loomis becoming and arrogant prick who has no impact on the film...lori becoming the most irritating/annoying character on screen that I can remember...stupid motivations by micheal which rob tries to pass off as artsy but comes off as an amateurish goth music video..

it's not a coincidence that rob is no longer making Hollywood films..but shunned to making direct to video crap that was really what he was always making (lords of salem and that new film about killer clowns)

the only distinction rob makes in his horror 'films' is that he uses excessive/unnecessary cursing, white trash people and brutal/excessive violence.

it's completely uncreative and he rips off from horror films of the past...he even says what a huge horror fan he is and has shown his hrror film collection...he owns pretty much everything ever made (if you've ever seen his film stash in an interview on tv)

he's been caught on to...and no serious person in the film business will give the ego maniac more money to make what he considers good he will use his friends and wife to fill the cast list and use as little money as possible to keep trying to be a 'write/director' while convincing young schmuck produces to back him just enough to poop out another turd that will go direct to video...but it'll make money because of all his weirdo 'rock' fans from before he became a wannabe filmmaker...and that's the main problem..these long time fans of his see his name on the product and buy it regardless of
quality...hell, they buy/bought his 'music', so there ya go on taste..

and to be perfectly honest..i could care less what crappy movies he makes or wants to make (to each their own)...just because he remakes Halloween (one of, if not, my favorite horror film of time) it will never change my, that's not's that this douche has the nerve to bash john carpenter in a slew of his interviews...serious, go read all his interviews he ever did about Halloween...the ego maniac actually thinks he could make a better Halloween film than john about some respect for a filmmaking genius that defined a genre...he claims to be a huge horror fan but has no respect for the *beep* him


I would like to say that I am a huge fan of Halloween II as well. Other than the 1978 original it's my favorite movie in the series. I have always admired bizarre, surreal, dreamlike movies. Exorcist II: The Heretic is another of my favorite sequels that Halloween II reminds me of. They both feel as though they take place in a dream world and I think they're both unfairly criticized.

I, for one, like Rob Zombie's films and his films are the only new ones I find myself really excited to watch. I've heard every criticism you can think of in regards to his films from about 10,000 different people. His films are very divisive. You're either a huge fan and love his films or think he's the worst thing to happen to modern horror and loathe his movies. There's very little middle ground.

I realize that his kind of horror isn't for everyone but there are plenty of other horror movies to watch if you don't like them. I suggest that people who aren't fans of his just ignore his movies and go on their way. Many people who hate Rob Zombie's films become obsessed with hating them and talk about nothing else. It's sad to me to see that someone spends that much time complaining about something they hate when they could be talking about something they love. If I don't like something I live as if it doesn't exist. There are hundreds of thousands of movies in existence that I'll never watch because they just don't seem like something that would interest me. However I think they should still be allowed to exist for those who would enjoy them. Just my take anyways.


Ok, fair enough on your point about hating someone or film so much that you waste all your time just bashing him/it...because I hate that crap too (I've defended tons of my films that people bash on the internet all the time; and it's always the same person/people).

But to be fair, if you check my history i'm not constantly coming to bash zombie...I did the last few days in a couple posts because I watched a documentary on rob zombie and his disrespect for horror's past (ie. my comment in one post about how he pokes holes at john carpenter's masterpiece and honestly believes he made the better really?!?)...also, he's constantly contradicting himself in interviews about why remakes suck and why no one should do them etc. just got to me and I wanted to come to imdb to get it off my chest.

and so I did, and i'm're right, I will go watch/find horror films that I like/enjoy and discuss them.


But to be fair, if you check my history i'm not constantly coming to bash zombie...I did the last few days in a couple posts because I watched a documentary on rob zombie and his disrespect for horror's past (ie. my comment in one post about how he pokes holes at john carpenter's masterpiece and honestly believes he made the better really?!?)...also, he's constantly contradicting himself in interviews about why remakes suck and why no one should do them etc. just got to me and I wanted to come to imdb to get it off my chest.

What documentary are you talking about? and is it actually a documentary about Rob Zombie? Or just featuring Rob Zombie?

What other horror movies did he disrespect besides Halloween?

I love the original Halloween but I also sometimes poke holes at it because there simply are some holes and weak points to it. It is a masterpiece but it's not perfect. Where and when did Michael learn to drive? Why are Laurie's friends such lousy actors and why does one of them have to say totally about 30 times? How did a normal sized man carry a 500lb tombstone from a graveyard all the way through a suburban neighborhood in broad daylight? How did no-one in the entire neighborhood hear Laurie screaming and running down the street? Jamie Lee Curtis could scream really well but her acting honestly left alot to be desired. None of those things really bother me very much and I absolutely love the movie but it's not perfect. I'm sure Rob was probably just having a bit of fun when he made those remarks and not actually trying to say it wasn't a good movie.

Either way I'd love to know what documentary you're referring to.


dubzggately-239-137907, is there any reason you haven't given me a response yet?

All I want to know is what documentary you were referring to.

I actually kind of doubt that you ever even watched any documentary on Rob Zombie as I can't find any information about one. Unless you're referring to some YouTube fan-made documentary that pieces together some interviews of his.

Either way, could you please provide me with either a link to or the name of the documentary you're referring to please?


I remember reading years ago that Rob never wanted to make a second Halloween film. Something to with having control of so many people.
I thought he actually made this movie bad on purpose so he would not have to make another one or someone else couldn't make another one.



'Rob only wanted to do it because two French film makers were going to take the helm, and Rob didn't want anyone to sh!t all over his film.'

you mean the POS remake he did that was universally hated by critics and any real horror fan in general? that film he didn't want others to *beep* on? oh sure, that makes sense then...why not let him make an even bigger *beep* on the Halloween franchise by making an even bigger turd a second time around..


He of course wanted to do this, but has good reason to regret it afterwards.


He most certainly wanted to do this and was given more control by the studio after the success of his remake hence the odd imagery. The truth is Zombie shouldn't have been given the movie and should have at least been reigned in by the studio. Most of this movie is an uneven mess which killed the franchise and the appetite for a third movie.


... oh who cares at this stage! It's such an un-loved abomination!


suuuuure he didn't want to do it...that's why he 'tried' to act like he made such a 'profound' film and made a bunch of money while doing it....the dudes a lying sellout hack.


He didn't want too, and yet he did... he should've just followed that original instinct and not done it becausse he decided that "Scary" meant "Everyone is an unlikable douche, let's brutally slaughter them all with no tension of any kind"

