Give Mamacita her own show!

I think it would be entertaining to watch Mamacita in a show like that one New York had, where she has different jobs. Either that, or another "Love" show.
If they could give that skank Daisy her own show, they can give one to Mamacita.

"Back off! He's with me."
- "Kiss my ass."
"Back off Warchild, seriously. Thank you."


I think they actually might. I'm surprised Doll wanted her own show. Sorry Doll, you're not that interesting

We are sooo fapping right now


or cute she looks weird to me


Mamacita's a fun chick, but I really think there have been enough "Of Love" shows. At this point, it would be a spin-off of a spin-off of a spin-off of a spin-off of a spin-off. Ow, my head.

It's gotta be rock and roll music, if you want to dance with me.


Please don't. She's way too dumb.

By any means necessary.


Im praying that she gets her own!!! I lover her so much!


Mamacita was the best part of that season of RCoL.

