Lazy Film Making

I'm so sick of these HD indies. They all look the exact same because everybody uses the same cameras and do almost no post-production processing on the shots. Granted, this is a 50 Cent film, but still.

I digress....The film had a lot of potential in terms of the genre and the muscle (no pun intended) behind it, but they trip up in the most annoying ways. What the hell is up with his little brother being some genius getting acceptance letters into every school in America by age 13? Why not just make him very smart in a normal way? That seems really lazy and a little too obvious with the juxtaposition of the 50 Cent character and the little brother.

Brian Peppers is my Homeboy


The super-smart little brother was designed that way in the story just because of a reason: he will be there in the sequel, to solve the hole plots of the BISD movie. He knows the 50Cent's girlfriend was up to no good, so the film will be about the young man on retaliation fighting back against the gangsters while coping with the hardships of college life. Besides, maybe we will see the Curtis character ghost in a Hamlet-esque way, saying: "Something sucks in the kingdom of Queens, NY".
