Awful Photos

I just need to say something, I'm hoping other people noticed this, but when the character Taylor researches Jimmy's history on his phone, and it shows publicity pictures of Sly from 2006 and a picture of him as Rambo, did it take anybody out of the film?

I found it quite funny but slightly annoyed that they used those pictures (I liked this movie by the way)

The worst part was his mugshot image.


I agree. It's as if they didn't bother to put any effort in it. I didn't dislike the movie as well.

I own you.


Are you kidding me? They did that on purpose, as a nod to Stallone's fans over the years.



It was terrible, which could have been easily omitted... made the film look cheap.

Also the green screen work while driving the car was terrible.

And the acting by Sung Kang wasn't very good... too metrosexual.

Sly did seemed to try his best at providing a good movie, but the script just wasn't there... which is a shame.

6/10 (rounding up cause of Sly... it's actually more of mid 5)


