Stallone defies age!

His commitment to look prepossessing is beyond belief. And that is not easy. He has worked all his life for these after youth years! He looked so good in expendables 2! That is quite inspiring really.


You know he's taking hormones/steroids up the ass, don't you?


he does lot of nip and tuck as well. His body can handle it due to its regime. The fillers, he uses are just skin deep( mostly face).



Ultimate display of been owned. Fantastic.


Ultimate display of overreacting is more like it... And it's being, not been, idiot.

Anyway, I doubt Sly is only taking HGH.


Ultimate display of overreacting is more like it

Overreaching? I disproved your arguments and pointed out that you're completely ignorant, and that's all you can say?
And it's being, not been, idiot.

You're picking on the grammar of the other poster? Ultimate sign of being pwned, you have NO argument and now YOU'RE reaching
Anyway, I doubt Sly is only taking HGH.

I doubt you have a dick. But does my suspicions make me right?


"Life is the Empire's currency. Spend it well."


Reacting is not the same word as reaching, imbecile.

It's funny how you are sucking Sly's balls. I doubt you have balls of your own, they shrunk inside you after all the substance abuse, you Roid Monkey.

My huge dick and giant balls are in perfect condition, since I'm all natty.

Now go get your ass stuck with Anabol, you sissy.



"Life is the Empire's currency. Spend it well."


internet nerd with his gif resources, lol...


Says the guy with no argument, who's stooped to language and grammar Nazi'ing.


"Life is the Empire's currency. Spend it well."


Anyone knows that no 67 years old man could look like him without some heavy substance abuse and lots of surgery. You are just a delusional eunuch.


^ Still has no argument.


"Life is the Empire's currency. Spend it well."


you guys drink too much.


Too much?!

I've only had 13 beers, two bottles of Vodka and a shot of tequila... In the past hour


"Life is the Empire's currency. Spend it well."


I respect his work dedication no doubt but i can't condone what he's doing to his body. He is taking HGH to combat how his body should be naturally aging as a man in his mid-60's. It's messing with the mechanics of the human body and in the end it can't be healthy at all.


thanks mitchell, that's my opinion exactly


He surely defies age ... i don see how he can gain a bad rep for using certain substances .. as they do not work on their own .... he still has to have a very disciplined life ... train a lot / eat properly / rest ....


So basically your argument is. He should be unhealthy and out of shape like most 60' year olds.


So basically your argument is. He should be unhealthy and out of shape like most 60' year olds.


"Life is the Empire's currency. Spend it well."




The bulging veins are ugly but kudos to Stallone for staying in such good shape


At the end of the day we dont know what his secret is, I think the secret is hard work. I'm 20 and Im no where near as fit as Stallone, ive tried many times though.



what a load of uninformed and wrong crap. Sorry but you sir have no clue what you are talking about.
Into ur hands i commend my spirit



LOL. I love these clueless nitwits who think a 65 yaer old man can get that ripped naturally.

And I love the clueless retards who thinks a few pills = a ripped body.
And they ALWAYS throw a "you're jealous" line in there.

You are jealous
No, it couldn't be that someone is simply pointing out a fact.

LOL!! Wait, it's a "fact" that Stallone is taking "steroids"? It's not a fact, it's never been proven. HGH is not steroids and it's not a dangerous drug, and even though Sly takes it, he still has to work INSANELY hard and eat a balanced diet to maintain his physique.
Why are they jealous?

Because Sly has determination and grit, whereas the poster just has a chocolate bar in his hand?
Sounds like you're jealous

Who wouldn't want a ripped body?
either that or you're 12 years old.

But I'm reading at a 13-year-old level
Grow up.

No, you!


"Life is the Empire's currency. Spend it well."


Well done. These clueless bastards have no idea what it takes to get into that kind of shape at any age, let alone at his age. I bust my ass in the gym, am 20 years younger and there is no comparison. I especially laughed at the moron who says he is not allowing his body to deteriorate naturally! Haha. It is just like testosterone. The body produces less as you age. So we should just accept that when there is a perfectly healthy way to bring it back to it's ideal level? Ha! If we lived by that philosophy and ignored our advancements in science the average life span would still be 53! There really is no logic to these buffoons so jealousy is a fair guess.


I know it's been a long time since you made that post but it was funny. One of the best I've ever read.


Sly is in better shape than most guys in their 20s

I use to own this town Now my life's been turned upside down Just a phase I'm going through
