Not bad, except

I actually enjoyed this movie. Just a few problems though.
1. Kwan didn't know that the cops were dirty when the bad guys knew he had a thumb drive that I am sure no one else Baptiste worked for knew he had, or they would have taken it off of him. How did they know? Because Kwan called the cops and told them he had it. Kwan should have realized that as soon as they asked for it back.
2. Trying WAY to hard to have a catch phrase. I won't list them all, but I think there were at least 5 things Stallone said that you could tell they wanted you to walk away saying...
Trying even harder to set up a "reluctant" buddy sequel. Kwan was obviously serious about Lisa at the end making Stallone a possible future father-in-law. Kwan tells him that he will come after him if he ever breaks the law again.

And then the cherry on top. Where did Stallone get the money to buy a Ferrari, just to drive off as our triumphant "hero" at the end?
