MovieChat Forums > Bullet to the Head (2013) Discussion > 100 things we learned from this movie......

100 things we learned from this movie... Spoilers!

1: Usb-drives cant be copied, so as long as you get it back, your secrets safe.

2: Asian police officers are seriously naive when it comes to trusting people.

3: If you have a gun, and the big guy whos daughter you ruffed up doesnt, throw away the gun and find some axes, so you can show of some cool moves.

4: Dont take the enormous amount of money with you when making a cool exit after killing the bad guy.

5: Always have bombs in your house ready to blow.

6: Morgan Freeman isnt the only guy who can narrate.

7: Even if you risk 40 years in jail, dont kill a hooker-witness when she has the same tattoo as your daughter.


8: Hairpieces still have a long way to go


9. Sometimes movie titles hint at how you'll feel during the films runtime.


10: when you want mugshots just use images from actors previous films.


12) Christian Slater will act in anything....

13) There's always a Parade in New Orleans...ALWAYS
(being from NOLA this always makes me smh)
