
He was the true hero of this story. He risked his life to hide her secret and help her when she first joined then when she was wallowing over losing someone he looked out for the fellow soldiers and then pushed her back into becoming the General. For what, 12 years? He stood by her and never got promoted, like she did after the first battle? Then in the end he rallied soldiers behind him and helped her escape and she doesn't even notice till he's being killed.

Then she lets him and all the men who follow him die, for nothing. It was clear that there were no supplies and they had been abandoned. So she let them get slaughtered.

Don't get me wrong I liked the film, it just saddened me at how he loved her [my mind goes back to when he said you were the sister I adored] and he was just thrown aside.

The writers wasted a lot of potential with his character. Wentai should have died then Tiger should have ended up going back to the village in the end and marrying her.
