Vomit scene?

I heard there was a gross vomit scene in this movie. Can anyone elaborate?


Vomit won't be the only thing to make you squeamish if that's stopping you from seeing the film!


This person is probably, like me, emetophobic.

I know that in my experience, I am totally fine seeing absolutely everything (I'm actually a bit of a gore **ore, to be honest) but if a person vomits, I will actually have a panic attack.

So please, do elahorate because I (and probably her) would love to see this movie, but we just need to know when to step away. I hope you understand, thanks!


A girl pukes blood all over several people. The entire film is over the top with violence and extreame gore. But dont let that that stop you. It's all very campy.


Indeed. Thanks for the support!


I was an extra and saw them film the scene where the chick in the theater gets puked on.
