MovieChat Forums > Natalee Holloway (2009) Discussion > To anyone defending Natalee's behaviour

To anyone defending Natalee's behaviour

Let me just ask you this - WHAT??

She was in another country being completely irresponsible, getting involved in things I didn't even imagine doing when I was her age, acting STUPID. Yes, what happened to her was awful and no, I don't agree with rapists saying they were let on, but when you get involved with people like Joran and do the kind of things she did, the chances of being exposed to a sicko increase significantly.

Her mother's speeches and attitude are absolutely obnoxious and self righteous, I understand the situation, but please admit your daughter acted more or less like a floozie and stop trying to turn her into a saint. If anything Beth seems to be an attention seeker herself.

Like Voltaire once said - To the living we owe respect, but to the dead we owe only the truth.


Exactly! I would not say that she 'deserved' what happened to her, but she did bring it on herself. There is no valid reason for getting so wasted that you do not even realize what you are doing, who you are with, etc.



Actually, she was allegedly drugged. There is no proof if she really was or not. But her friends did confirm she drank herself into a stupor more than once on the trip.


You guys are blaming the victim. Thank god none of your are my mother.


why? You wouldn't like being held responsible for your own actions?


So, on that note, you believe that if a woman is raped by a man, it is her own fault because she wore a low-cut shirt? You are absolutely entitled to your own opinion, but I personally do not believe in blaming the victim - I blame the transgressor.

And on another note, choosing to harm oneself (such as having too many drinks) is a far different transgression from choosing to harm another person.


So, if a person chooses to drink themself into a stupor, you think that it is somehow someone else's fault? Do you really think that every single person that has ever gotten (and continues to get) drunk somehow has the liquor forced down their throat?

Bottom line is this would not have happened if Natalee had no 1) drank herself into a stupor 2) gotten into a car with strangers.


Please re-read my previous comment. That is part of my point - Natalee choosing to drink is self-harm; raping someone, or hurting them, or just leaving them on the beach for dead, or whatever may have happened, that is a choice to harm another person. Simply making self destructive decisions vs making decisions that specifically harm other people display completely different moral codes. I cannot fathom blaming the victim of a crime inflicted by another person. Again, you are entitled to your own opinion, but we clearly believe in different moral standards.


So if I decide one day to throw all caution aside and walk through a dangerous neighbourhood after dark, without any means of defense, I'm not to blame? Really? Have we become that politically correct?

I'm sorry, but the world is full of twisted people, who couldn't care less about you and if you're stupid enough to put yourself in a dangerous situation and something bad happens it's also on you. This is sadly not an utopia where the guy would have driven Natalee straight home. Natalee's behaviour was right down stupid and should be called out for what it really is, so that other teenagers learn the lesson there is to be learned from this.


Yes, political correctness seems to have taken over what is actually correct these days. At least in the US it has. It has gotten to a point where people are almost never held responsible for their own actions anymore.


It has gotten to a point where people are almost never held responsible for their own actions anymore.

YES. That is all that needs to be said.

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The only people responsible for this were the people who killed her.

I agree that Beth should have realised that yes, Natalee was like any other 18 year old girl with the drinking and boys aspect, but it is in NO way her fault.

It's completely on the bastards who took her life.


Natalee was responsible for drinking herself into such a stupor that she had no idea what she was doing. Plain and simple.


Natalee was like any other 18 year old girl with the drinking and boys aspect, but it is in NO way her fault.

This very statement is the problem. Our society has become "Jersey Shored" into thinking that this behavior is normal and expected of young women (and men). Our society needs a little dose of sobriety and prudence. Your a young girl and you get wasted and go off with strangers in a foreign country. Life's a gamble. The harder you party and the more chances you take, the more you may stand to lose. Hopefully her death will send a message to young women: Don't get wasted and go off with strangers.
It would be nice if it also sent a message to weirdo men: Don't rape and kill women!

Unfortunately, it looks like neither message has been received by anyone.


I agree with you. People trying to defend her behavior by saying things like "all people do it at that age" must be the types who had no self-control and did drink themselves into stupors. Then either could not believe others did not need to or hassled the ones that did not need to.

The bottom line is she made her decisions, and those decisions led to what happened to her.




They're not saying that Natalee deserved to be killed, it's the fact that a smart girl like her (full scholarship to school) and she was too stupid to realize that getting BEYOND drunk in a foreign country is a bad idea!

Like another poster stated, walking through a dangerous neighborhood late at night is a bad idea right? Now just imagine the person doing that is drunk, and not just normal drunk it's the type where you can't stand up straight without help, the world is spinning like a merry go round type drunk. What do you think is going to happen? Someone is going to take notice, and in a dangerous place there is only going to be one outcome.


Holloway was doing what the typical teens do these days: drinking, drugs, and sex. Her biggest mistake was the mistake of being attracted to a charismatic psychotic man which resulted in her death. Unfortunately women crave these bad boys like a drug and apparently they think it is worth the risk of dying from it, she sure did.
