Miracle Mile?

I saw this movie was on Netflix. For anyone who has seen Miracle Mile, is this movie anything like that?

"I'm a vehemently anti-nuclear, paranoid mess, harbouring a strange obsession with radioactive sheep."


I didn't think this movie was fantastic, but I liked it way more than "Miracle Mile," which was an exercise in extreme frustration and human stupidity.


I liked both movies equally I guess. If you watched one and not the other, than you most see both :)

"I'm a vehemently anti-nuclear, paranoid mess, harbouring a strange obsession with radioactive sheep."


I was one of 27 people who actually saw Miracle Mile when it came out almost 30 years ago. Despite all the years and the thousands of movies I've seen since, Miracle Mile remains memorable for being one of the very worst movies I have ever seen.
