That was not Camden, NJ...

but oh how I wish Camden did actually look like that.
I'm also glad they made "Camden" pretty and suburban and avoided getting called racist, presumably.

Being an NJ native, I love spotting familiar landmarks and things when a film is set in NJ, especially near my neighborhood. But obviously not one scene was shot in NJ.

(I know IMDB states this error in their trivia section)


I am from Philly and that wasn't ghetto ass Camden.


I know I was confused as well! LOL! But hey, at least they got the Jersey police right though!

...even in a valley without mountains the wind could still blow.


I had a good laugh when I saw how "Camden" was portrayed. Camden is always on the annual list of the "most dangerous" cities in the US.
From Wikipedia: "Camden is perhaps best known for its struggles with urban dysfunction...In 2008, Camden had the highest crime rate in the U.S. with 2,333 violent crimes per 100,000 people while the national average was 455 per 100,000"


Camden, NJ was the site of the world's first drive-in theater (1933) and I'm told there's now a retail development there. So at least there would be some amount of retail development, no?


"Camden, NJ was the site of the world's first drive-in theater..."

I think it was also the site of the world's first drive-by shooting.


it has an aquarium!

We have a pool and a pond...pond be good for you.


Nor was that in any way shape or form a Delaware Beach that they were on.

-White Wolf "I don't suffer from Insanity...I enjoy Every minute of it!"


"Nor was that in any way shape or form a Delaware Beach that they were on."

LOL! I thought the same thing. Lived in northern NJ my whole life and kow all the beaches well...they could have at least tried to make it look like New Jersey.

Camden looked more like the magic of Hollywood.


Lol- that's the same thing my fiancé said.



Been living in NJ for about five years now and yeeeeeah, that was not Camden.


Damn right that wasn't Camden. I don't know what that was, but that depiction couldn't have been further from the *beep* truth.

I've been to Camden many times and let me tell you, you'd think an asteroid already ended civilization over there with how run-down and lawless the whole city is.


It's OK, it wasn't NJ anyway. It wa Camden, DE. And although there are nice houses there, everything was filmed in CA.


I'm from Jersey. I give the benefit of the doubt that maybe there are small enclaves of nice areas in Camden. I say this because, everyone outside Jersey thinks Jersey is a giant refinery even though we have some of the nicest neighborhoods in the country so, it is possible for states or cities to be misunderstood. However, I've only ever known Camden to look like a bomb went off in the city so, my suspension of disbelief doesn't go very far.
