The dog in the end

Maybe it's just me, but I was disappointed that the dog wasn't cuddled with them on the bed in the end. The noise would have scared him too and they made a point to take care of him the whole time but not at the end? Of course, it's just a movie, but the huge animal-lover in me was sad for the dog. :(


When the last scene begins it looks like the dog is on the bed between them, below Dodge's elbow. The color of the dog's fur kind of blends in with the blanket.


I thought that too at first, but then rewound it and saw the dogs fur and his body snuggled up next to Steve Carell. Such a cute little dog too.


The dog was lying between the two of them...

I mean, say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least its an ethos.


Yeah, that's why Penny and Dodge weren't cuddled up closer like two people in a time of crisis would normally do.



I didn't see the dog myself. But I'm glad it didn't miss out on the last cuddle.


I thought the same thing. I have 3 dogs and one looks like Sorry. We would have all 3 snuggled close.


Leaving out the dog would have been an epic flaw. The dog was a wonderful plot device. Never distractingly, overtly cute or engaged by the characters but always there as a bit of a prop for the characters to lean upon.

Well placed and well utilized was that dog.

