Animal cruelty?

Not trying to sound like a bleeding heart treehugger or anything, but I couldn't help thinking the use of animals in the show was innapropriate. The greedy panicked contestants were tossing those snakes around like they were toys.


I noticed that too... and flinging the crabs to the side and knocking them over as well.

The show was really entertaining, but I don't think they should use ANIMALS as PROPS anymore. It was pretty disturbing,

I've got an appetite for destruction but I scrape the plate.


I kinda hope they get a lot of negative feedback about it and end up revising that. It's a great idea for a show. If they lost the animals I could be much more entertained by it.




You're not the only one. That was really all I could think about. Those poor snakes.

Let me stand next to your fire


My sister and i were thinking about that too. when they put thoes spiders in the crawl space. but then my sister said they never showed the spider and the people nor the snakes in the same like in the first episode when the snakes where in water. i think they were safer then in the crawl space...if they were there. Scifi proably know what there doing, they know how us peta members can be! lol!



Don't worry, I was thinking the same thing...because I know if I saw a huge ass spider in front of me, I'd kill's not the contestant's faults...that's their natural reactions. But I do think the show should lay off using the animals as their toys.

LOVE the show, though!

AUSTRALIA November 26th
