Derek Long

Is he a friend of the director or something, the guy is terrible, he´s definitely no actor!


Wow, i cant believe u think that, i think he is the best part of the movie, everything he said made me laugh, hahahaha... I actually came to the board to see if there was a thread started on how hilarious he was in the movie, and i figured this was the one..... i dunno, he made me laugh. Different strokes for different folks i guess.


I agree; there's something about him in this movie that was fantastic! Made me want to get my own Dad to start smoking...

Seriously though, I can't say he is a brilliant actor, but he played the part well and it fitted in with the light nature of the movie. He made me and the other half laugh too.


Derek Long (Dad Gunnunderson) was excellent as Cooper in "3-Day Weekend" (2008)
